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Everything posted by WilcoOfTheDay

  1. My boyfriend requested She's A Jar and it got played and I requested Passenger Side and it got played and Jeff even said "A song about drunk driving - by request". I felt special!
  2. I don't know how else to say this but this is NEAT! How do people come up with these great ideas?
  3. It's all about The Dark Knight for me this summer, seeing Ledger will be bittersweet... I'm also excited for Wall-E and Pineapple Express because Disney/Pixar and Apatow never let me down.
  4. I'm a huge fan of Pandora...been using it about 2 years now and have found some really good obscure bands I probably never would have otherwise.
  5. I still watched but wasn't impressed for being the final three. I did vote for David Cook though (I never vote) because I want him in the final. However, American Idol contestants are never people I plan on buying their albums when the whole deal is done and I'm fully aware of it, I just can't help but watch.
  6. Hey thanks for thinking of me...I hope to meet you guys!
  7. I can't wait for tomorrow! 3 songs each, hometowns and Jason is gone!
  8. I'm pretty excited....it should be a good time.
  9. I'm going there next weekend too! I'm not from Chicago but visit often because of family and my favorite things I've done in the past are...Second City, Navy Pier, Cubs game... Also, the Bottle Rockets are playing that Saturday night at the Beat Kitchen
  10. Alvin and the Chipmunks Lars and the Real Girl Forgetting Sarah Marshall I'm only putting the last three because they were all great movies. Well, Alvin is a cute movie anyway.
  11. At the Des Moines show back in March, I don't think they played anything but requests....It was glorious
  12. I dunno, I think it's going to be battle of the Davids.
  13. Hey same here....I guess we didn't miss much.... Predictions: Brooke is donzo tonight
  14. I wish more people on here watched American Idol so there was as much discussion about it as there is discussion about Ryan Adams. But hell no I am not going to join the AI boards. Any guesses on who's gone tomorrow? I am really unsure...
  15. i guess anything can happen nowadays with that high tech technology stuff
  16. Don't think she is bad songwriter or artist, just can't stand her really. She's...just...too...nice. Glad to see Michael Johns and David Cook (I hope he's OK) to do well again today. Who do you think is going home? I'm thinking the asian (not racist, just really don't remember her name). I really want that "country girl" gone though, she just is not good and has no emotion.
  17. Bring a egg shell foam thing for your bed or something like that because dorm beds are not that comfortable.
  18. YES!! Probably one of my favorite conversations from a movie of all time. Jacked from Wikiquote... Vincent: You know what the funniest thing about Europe is? Jules: What? Vincent: It's the little differences. I mean, they got the same shit over there that they got here, but it's just
  19. I know, he's wasn't deserving yet. I admit, I downloaded David Cook's Billie Jean off of iTunes today....but I thought it was great...but I do agree he shouldn't have gotten that much praise for being risky since it was a cover of a cover to being with... Can't wait for next week, even if it is Dolly Parton week
  20. I don't think anyone gets the rules of the game.
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