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Everything posted by W(TF)

  1. Two words, Chastity Belt. Oh... YOUR daughter. Sorry.
  2. Nice to see N.W.A. on the list, but Twisted Sister/Pearl Jam/Billy Joel/Johnny Paycheck...GMAFB?! There's a subtle difference between protesting and bitching. Notable omissions.... Woody Guthrie (This Land), Springsteen (Tom Joad), loads of early Dylan, CSNY (Ohio), and on and on.
  3. It would be pretty cool to see Wilco at a festival with a virgin audience just waiting to be won over...
  4. Jeff was interviewed by CBC radio before the Toronto show, and he picked YAMF as the outro... with no hesitation.
  5. Couldn't agree with you less. Indie films only really started to take off in the 90's. You need to get out more.
  6. If you listen to SBS in light of older classics, you can hear Nels replicating vintage Neil Young, David Gilmour, Peter Green, etc. But he's not so much replicating them, as playing in those styles - only more perfectly, and dropping time bombs on the listener. You're not even really aware of it, until maybe the 20th listen. Really remarkable.
  7. I think artists who take an adversarial position with their own fans are plain stoopid. They've been bought and sold by the suits, and no longer work for themselves. Maybe they were always just in it for the money. Music must remain free!
  8. Pretty good assessment imo. I think this is the best song lyrically on SBS, and for sure the toughest to decode. There's some clever imagery at work, and the singer seems a bit perplexed, but also sympathetic; I don't get the sense he's judging anyone too harshly. Beautiful song, and some shining moments for Nels on guitar.
  9. Yup. forget Sopranos, M*A*S*H, Twin Peaks, Archie Bunker.... Deadwood was and is the finest television show ever made.
  10. When I was a teen, me and everyone I knew had an FM tuner and a cassette deck. Plus ca change, eh... So what's the BFD? If the music's good people will buy it!
  11. Aw c'mon...my lord, you're mean. I Must Be High and Casino Queen must be one of the best 1-2 punch album openers - not to mention band debuts - ever!! Casino Queen may be a bit zz top, but it's a great bar song...even with the corny gimmicks.
  12. Ramblin' Man is a superb biography of Woody. Very good reading, recommended...
  13. I saw it tonight with my family. Snorefest, indeed. The films are getting progressively worse. Maybe I should read the books.
  14. I like that idea....what's really good about it, is that the more experienced VC'ers could point out where the 'answers' are already out there - from articles / interviews / books that were previously published.
  15. haha..point taken. But what I meant was, if this idea ever flies, we could have some guidelines for people who have access to it -- that they can't just post a new question or fan letter to Wilco every day, or anytime something pops into their heads. Ideally the forum would be very uncluttered...maybe ~10 topics a week. So that if our boys log in to look at it, they can find what's relevant and have a half-chance of actually replying back to us.
  16. Fair enough. I suppose it could be by invitation only, for contributing members only, whatever. There must be valid ways to limit the access. So far everyone seems to hate the idea.
  17. That might be true. There may be ways of limiting the BS, maybe not allow access to it until a member reaches 300 posts? We could also set up some formal-ish netiquette rules...e.g. not more than one new topic started per month by any member.
  18. Umm. I'm on a global quest to expose exactly what music critics know. FUCK ALL. I swear to God, my son can be whatever he wants to be in life; but if he becomes a music critic, I might have to disown him. Perish the thought.
  19. I agree that HMD doesn't fit the mood of YHF very well. But on the other hand, it shows that Jeff has a sense of humor, and maybe that little inside joke is all that got him through that turbulent period of time. I don't attach much sentimental value to the song, but 'to each his own'. It certainly could never "ruin" YHF for me. And the synths on "stooooned" are pretty cool too.
  20. So is that a yes / no / maybe..? I suppose it will require a meeting of the cognescenti.
  21. For recordings I tend to like the studio versions a bit better, but then again I'd rather see the band live than play a CD any day. So yeah you may be crazy, but only partly.
  22. I think James Taylor...guess that makes me "from another generation"... yikes.
  23. Maybe it's because he's really not a great actor, and the screenplays aren't that great either. He was good enough as an 11-year-old, but lines like "if voldemort's building an army, then I want to fight"? C'mon... I haven't seen HP5 yet.
  24. I'm kinda split down the middle on this one. I love SBS, it's the best album I've heard in a long time. I also respect anyone's right to not like it, for whatever reason. It's their right, and personally I'd rather not hear a big critique justifying that position. I have read some reviews of SBS, good and bad. Some made sense and some didn't. Music critics in general just bug the shit out of me. I try not to be one. We all should aspire to not be music critics. lol
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