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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. You know we are in trouble when CCR's 'Who'll Stop the Rain' gains more airplay. I vividly recall the 93 flood and many old timers in MO are feeling the same the thing is gonna revisit us, too.
  2. If you are sarcastically baiting me I will get an Appetite for Destruction...hint hint though it is Sweet Child and not Sweetheart, but adding 'mine' brings up visions of a gaunt longhair from Indiana.
  3. I checked ol Lou out last week and noticed he is touting himself as Mr. Independent. What a tool. I heard that same rumor about NJ. Good luck. He is becoming as pompous as Bill-O. HA w/ a spray back at you, Sweetheart-mine (is the a reference to GNR?)
  4. I am relatively new the process and have only given money to one person, Ron Paul. Was on Barack's page the other day and would've given a couple bucks...but I was broke. Maybe when my stimulus check arrives I'll give a bit to Barry.
  5. Yeah, he can be a real tool, but his excitement over politics is akin to that of a 10 year old eating sugary cereal. His eyes are always bouncing around looking for cues. What a nut, but fun to watch. Much better than the stone faced Shepard Smith or the long-toothed wacko Lou Dobbs.
  6. Lakers were fancy nancies last night. Lucky. A true battle of blue collar vs. posers. I'd love to see KG get his shit back on track on dunk on Poo Gashole's face.
  7. Exasperated x2. Glad I am not the only one this bothers, my friend. And as Chris Matthews would blurt, HA.
  8. I thought only the Mavericks said this, but it has crossed party lines... Please stop using the phrase, "my friend" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, driving me insane.
  9. Is this an electronic community or face 2 face? If face 2 face, I can only make it to Cronkite's childhood stomping grounds.
  10. That's how our first half was. KC area. I woke up from a nap to see the last 10 min. Shocking to say the least.
  11. Furreal? He needs to get his old ass back on the news and straighten these whippersnappers out. What is Scorpio Cabal?
  12. You talk like McCain, my friend. (My friends) and I always make fun of how he says that. Maybe we should make a drinking game out of...before he vetoes earmarks on beer anyway.
  13. ...speaking of which, I am glad to say I was 'removed' from the Hannity message board during the 04 election.
  14. They are all full of shit. I miss Tucker Carlson. He seemed legit. MSNBC is following the Fox model. That is clear. I wish Bill Maher was on nat'l TV, again. Maybe bring Walter Cronkite back to life, also. It sucks because dramatic news is here to stay. I guess it's better than reality game show b.s.
  15. Yeah, Buchanan comes off as intelligent at times but if you were to read one of his books your realize that by page 50 or so he is spewing 1950's b.s. that has no relevance in today's world.
  16. Ha, awesome, I wish. Been kind of dry for awhile. Maybe it is residual.
  17. I wouldn't say this if it wasn't for the recent discussion of the murder of the Kennedys, the proposed similarity of the Kennedys to Obama...if Hillary gets the VP, she could conspire to assassinate Obama, then grab the helm even quicker than if she had to wait 4-8 years. Oh, and I'm sure you are all aware of the accusations of the Clintons and their past murder schemes. This was my thought yesterday, but today I am thinking the Clintons don't have the energy to pull off some shit like this.
  18. Chris Matthews was stoking the coals for Biden while revealing Obama camp's belief the HRC's will eventually come 'home'. I read some stuff on Webb. He seems good, he even told Bush to stuff it, but seems like he has some weird background stories. I say this in a PR frame, not what I believe. Wesley Clark, hmmm. Something weird about him, but could be a good choice.
  19. Never thought of it that way. Good point. I forgot to add the old Dems. to the population of voters for Hillary. And come to think of it, Hillary probably doesn't want the VP. Her shot at president could only be after 4 years. If she waited 2 terms she would be 69-70 y.o. I recall her wanting McCain to win, to enable her next bid in 4. It comes down to a decision of ego or the party's needs.
  20. Totally agree. Feel bad for the Obama to be put in that box, but it may be inevitable.
  21. I hope not, but both teams are prone to falling asleep for several games at a time. It is good to see the old rivalry reborn.
  22. Who on this mofo thinks Hillary will not be the VP, why? I don't think there is a way they can lose with her, but without her the chances are much slimmer? She can tap the lower SES white vote, female vote, hispanic vote. Done. Stick a fork in McCain.
  23. He seemed good in college when he played for the Smurfs. Who was that Rhode Island?
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