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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Perhaps I am injecting my personal experience. It seems like the more I know about the goods and services available, the less I desire them. 1. 95% of the items in a grocery store 2. toys for my child 3. anything made of plastic 4. garden seeds 5. restaurant food 6. automobiles 7. movies @ theater 8. recreational crap (boats, atvs, & other little penis stuff) 9. gasoline Shit, what do I buy? 1. Electricity, which I'd like to change 2. TV, internet, phone bills...like to change that also. Guess I am hooked, though. 3. Gas to see other places. I like to see other places. 4. Concerts.
  2. Yeah, that was great wasn't it? "The best thing you can do is go out and spend money." How patriotic is that? What a response to the 911 attacks.
  3. An informed consumer is the enemy of capitalism.
  4. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/am...ush-855433.html text: San Francisco to vote on naming sewer after George Bush By Guy Adams in Los Angeles Friday, 27 June 2008 Some presidents get carved into Mt Rushmore; others have airports, motorways, and even entire cities named in their honour. But when George Bush leaves office, his most visible memorial may be a mouldering patch of human effluent. In November, alongside casting their ballot for the next president, the people of San Francisco will also vote on a measure to rename one of the city's largest sewage works the George W
  5. Yeah right, any legitimate contender for the White House is not going to be for the fair tax.
  6. You pay tax on your spending, not on earning. I don't think it will ever happen so I haven't read too much about it as the gov't will lose an estimated 30% of its revenue. The only candidates in favor of it were Huckabee and Paul. Not sure about Barr. I believe that it encourages earning while rewarding those who do not purchase as much. I have not delved into this concept at any length but this core idea seems good to me.
  7. I couldn't agree more. However, our federal taxes do not consider this...which just made me realize the national sales tax makes sense since your cost of goods are also part of the cost of living index.
  8. A story about this was printed in KC's alternative press mag, the Pitch. It revealed that dude was harassed and his rank was frozen due to the formation of the atheist club. He was shunned for not being part of team during prayer.
  9. On their radar 100g's for a couple is poor. Sorry for the misspeak. So 50 or less per person. I avoid either party as a group. I am not much into group identification. And I'd like to also delineate between informed and educated as there are many college educated people that are uninformed and vice versa.
  10. Since there are more poor folk (100g's or less) it makes statistical sense to have a populist slant. However, the GOP prefer to dance the line w/ lobbyists meanwhile pimping the emotional issue(s) that sway an uninformed voting bloc. To the GOP, an educated, informed public is the burr in the saddle. While I can't speak to an increase an education, the peeps are forced to become informed to due personal economic situations. So to your theory, no. They don't want to piss of their meal ticket.
  11. Earmarks are a drop in the bucket. The bucket is full of contractual spending while colonizing other countries. Yeah, his delivery is awful. Crooks and liars has video of 61 y.o. female librarian being escorted out. Truly shameful. I tried to picture myself, a 30 something male, doing the same thing and would expect that treatment, but her, come on.
  12. Just watched 11th Hour. Frightening, yet the encouragement at the end kept me from giving up altogether.
  13. Never liked them. uhh. Can't believe they are still around.
  14. I believe Paul is for the Constitution candidate. He worked for Paul's campaign.
  15. I get what you're saying but for some the anger is so great that one liners are all we/they can muster. Personally I am still struggling with not being pissed at people who are either oblivious or are still Bushies. I tell myself they need some education so I calmly explain my perception of the situation. Prior to a few months ago I would've resorted to "you're a fascist Hitler fuckface'. We realize that doesn't work. Hell yeah, it's a day before we declare our independence. We are ready for a revolution!
  16. I still recall Bush declaring 'war' on Iraq. While I was not as up to speed on politics at that time, I sensed this was illogical. It just didn't seem right. But who was I? I am sure other citizens and politicians thought the same thing but we were manipulated. I agree Powell was manipulated, but come on, at some point someone has to have the balls or clam to say, NO, I will not reinforce this idea. Do these people not have a soul? So, yes, this is why I could give a shit less about any higher up (Powell et al.) who went along with offensive against Iraq. Now Afghanistan or any other area w
  17. What's going on? Sonics to Oklahoma City? Is that what happened?
  18. Totally agree. I was waiting for a talking head to say this and finally Buchanan said something to the effect that he allowed himself to get duped. Prior to that they were all flapping their wings over who he would side with. Like it matters. I thought he was put out to pasture already.
  19. And according the Hersh report, the same thing w/ Iran plans. I really hope Hersh has lost it and nothing comes of it.
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