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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. It's bigger than Stern. It's the lobbyists (advertisers, abc, espn, nike, W, Cheney, Rumself, Wolfowitz, Pat Robertson, MTV, China, North American Union) ; they're all in on it. I meant the players themselves, not just the refs. And Pierce looked like dung, as did Garnett, as did Rondo, etc. I thought it was weird for the whole team except for Allen to look like mo-lasses. And why does Lamar Odom suck so bad now?
  2. Boston got too close last night. It was obvious the game was rigged. NBA needs finals to run more than 4 games for revenue. And they played like dogshit all night is the funny thing. Damn, the Lakers suck.
  3. Goddamn. Still going (up). Will continue to ride bicycle to work, despite the asspain.
  4. I guess our economy forces that. I read where Florida produces most of the tomatoes now, Mexico is earlier, California is coming soon. But these producers are pist cuz the source is most likely New Mexico or Texas. FDA is going all or nothing right now. We froze a mess a sauce. Kind of annoying to do, but better than wasting or paying $2-3/can for decent sauce.
  5. I guess we'll leave it at that because neither of us run a poll machine and I assume our evidence is anecdotal, see below. I am glad to hear your opinion on the church/political influence topic. I am by no means religious, however, I respect each person's right to their philosophy; however, the sheer number of constituents the Rove machine accumulated is pure evil. I think these constituents came to the realization they were duped when they found out W couldn't do anything about Roe vs. Wade. They did find solace in continuing the war against the evil Muslims and prevention of gay marriage.
  6. Maybe I'll be able to earn money from my 17 tomato plants this year.
  7. Please drive 20 miles in either direction of downtown KC, hang somewhere that people freely discuss politics and see how many people will not vote for a 'nigger'. Racism is in the midwest, maybe not as prevalent as Arkansas, Kentucky, etc. but it is here. I can't give you stats and I realize the delegate proportion for the Democratic primary is influenced by education, but I still have to think racism is correlated with nonmetro, non higher ed areas. I have lived in rural Missouri and Illinois for much of my life and racism is here. Simply having a multiracial presidential candidate will be a
  8. I read this Newsweek article about a conspiracy about McCain lying about POWs still alive in Vietnam. He hushed it up in the 90's during some hearings or some shit. I looked around for other info...couldn't find much. Anyone? BTW, Ross Perot is the current whistleblower.
  9. and a random painted highway and a muzzle of bees
  10. I thought McCain and Mitt made up? Huckabee is Mr. Potential Foot in Mouth guy, but a shoo in for the Evangelical uprising.
  11. From what I can tell, some of them are McCain, some of them are holding out for McCain to totally sell out to them, not just partially. I read something too that McCain call Falwell and one of the other zealots some bad names when he was running against Bush in 2000.
  12. That guy was a party animal I inspired to be. The book, I think it was 'The Snake'? Totally hilarious.
  13. You may consider befriending someone that has some land. Exchange some labor or money for use of an area. But, then you would have to drive, unless it wasn't too far and you could bike, or skateboard while holding onto a truck, or something.
  14. So the base for the Dems has to convert the racists the base for the Reps has to convert the evangelicals... in this particular situation, the politicians are earning their money
  15. Difficult to impossible to grow non gmo inside as it has to pollinate. The only thing I have had luck with is basil. I am guessing most herbs can be grown inside. I think some people grow cannabis inside.
  16. Good things about high gas? -less use, less pollution -local economies will gradually gain back their place in the market -once local farmers regain ability to compete, your food will be better -development of alternative forms of energy that may also lead to home energy use as well -less chemicals in the enviroment due to decrease in industrial farming -bring the trade deficit to a surplus -my buds in the bike biz may actually see a profit -bikes may once again be manufactured in america, among other things, more jobs for all skill levels\ -brewpubs in every town -local pride, community
  17. With some attention also given to our economic health in terms of quantity of tax revenue generated and our import/export ratio. Both of which are poo right now.
  18. Same here on the Haggard song. I jumped a lot, too. Kicked some guy sitting next to me. Sorry.
  19. Good point. They are smearing him now as they would then also. Probably better this way, he maintained his integrity.
  20. I work at a university and I have seen the name here. Only once though.
  21. I thought it was 4th from the bottom, whatever, he obviously needed help from the Admiral. Either way, not near the top like our dear, beloved, slick tongued Barack. I just watched the 04 Charlie Rose interview, where he mentions a political consultant said he should change at least either his first or last name because it will frighten people. They had a chuckle, but it is sad that idiots are spreading the sentiment of him as a 'muslim' which to them automatically implies he is a terrorist....Idiots.
  22. Now we've entered some real political discourse. Let's get back to discussion instead of blowing each other. We've been analyzing Obama, how about McCain? Here's one: McCain graduated from the Naval Academy cuz of his daddy. Obama was top or near the top of his class at Harvard. McCain moved to Arizona, ditched his wife that struggled through many years with him, married a rich girl w/ plans to start a Federal Gov't career. Obama opted for public service out a desire to help folk, when he could have started a career in private industry w/ fewer roadblocks and much more money.
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