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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Electricity is renewable via sun, solar, and water. Cars, residential, shipping. Save the oil for air travel. Instead of goddamn tax on oil, we pay for the use of plug ins at workplaces, bars, restaurants, parking meters, etc. any location that sees 1 hour or more parking. However, I noticed a mention that batteries do not work in cold weather. Any truth to this? Cuz trains still run in the winter, your car (usually) starts in the winter, etc.
  2. We're glad you're in the discourse. It's much better to learn about a dissimilar political philosophy from a person rather than a talking head.
  3. Don't underestimate the competitive scheming of Karl Rove and the GOP. There is still a lot of time left. A mulititude of variables could swing this the other way, the candidates' behavior, events in US or abroad. More importantly, Uncle Wilco's influence on VCers.
  4. 40 or so I think was the number. 2 greats ideas, continue to ruin the environment instead of thinking about the near and long term future of energy resources.
  5. you can say to me, " you are pretty young and haven't traveled," and I should not think you are assuming things about me? or young people? I am so out there? ok. I appreciate that one, although I think of it more as I desire to learn about different ways of life and some I embrace. So, yeah, I appreciate your acknowledgement of that.
  6. They should consider us as food and us, them, instead of simply running them over with cars and trains and killing them with toxic water and soil. Maybe if we lived among them we could kill them and eat them so as not to waste the nutrients.
  7. Age= travel? assumptive. Thanks for the detailed reply. I was looking forward to a better argument (positive context).
  8. He can't make em, why shoot em? I seriously hope he overcomes his psycho shooting problems. He missed like 8 of 10 from 4' in game 6, but made up for it in steals, assists, motivation. For 6'1" he has the hand size of a 7'. Maybe that has something to do with it...like shooting a grapefruit to you and I.
  9. hmmm. really? why can't we? can you not have a "society" without cities? living animals and plants? they are everywhere. we call that food.
  10. 2,000,000,000 acres 300,000,000 bastards 6.67 acres/person. Assuming some lands are barren, dogshit, incapable of producing food, maybe, shit I don't know, nevermind. Take 6 acres and shut it. at least I found this site.. pretty cool http://www.statemaster.com/statistics
  11. Population control from the gov't...whatever. China is doing really well with their environment. Maybe they should focus more on gov't regulation of industry than procreation. The US has an assload of land. If our society wasn't industrialized and populations concentrate we could handle a lot of bastards. I think. shit, I don't know. Maybe our progress has digressed. shit, i don't know. Let me do some calculations. I'll return.
  12. this isn't about Wilco but is synchronocity and should be reported... Dreamt my big boss up the line was taking a dump at work. Awoke this next day thinking, "yeah, ok, what the fuck was the point of that?" Concluded it was just some garbage in my head and moved on, no biggie, kind of humorous actually. A couple days later, I stroll into the bathroom to discover some funk smell. The fella in the stall did the ol' quick flush, wipe, and wash to show he wasn't afraid to show his (shit)face. Ever experience this? What is the point? Just wait it out and leave w/o revealing your shitface. Yeah, i
  13. I liked it. The Celts won. It was boring to some because the Lakers 1. can't play defense 2. can't play against a good defense. Which is funny because the Cavs and the Hawks seemed to give them a more difficult time than the Lakers.
  14. Phil Jackson at halftime pretty much sums it up: "...just don't give it away..." Well the Lakers did, but the Celtics took it as well. A lot of teams fear 'taking' a game like that. Psychological or something. But, damn, I smiled liked no other watching that game, except for a few times when I felt sorry for the Lakers. What an ass whoopin. To Rajon: big heart, hands, quick, excellent defender...please learn how to shoot over the summer. Anyone know if this team will still be together next year?
  15. and Pistol Pete, Kareem, the Iceman, shit, even Isiah the harasser is better, Dr. J
  16. Where does Kobe fit in the MJ argument now? He has done little to show he controls a game when things are tight.
  17. I have to admit I didn't see Russert on Sundays as I avoid TV on the weekend, however, his election night banter was spectacular. I have been catching up on MTP highlights on the internets and wow, what a cat. Love the Bush interview where he stumbles, more than usual, over trying to spit out a lie. Matthews aired the David Duke exchange last night as well. Russert was clearly ready to put it to him.
  18. Guess it kind of depends on whether they follow the natives' cues that are clearly telling them: just leave. What a waste of life, time, and money for both countries.
  19. How about his son, Luke, that lil fucker is cool. Great presence for a 20 something.
  20. Just kidding, but how cool would that be. Geez, they Iraqis have recently concluded they do not want us there. But we're gonna stay in their business to establish military bases and monitor oil goings on. It is fairly evident, so why do both presidential candidates act like we have to stay. Just leave. I'd expect McCain to stay and assume Barry is riding the fence for election purposes. I seemed to recall he (and other Dems) wanted to pull out immediately. The tune has changed. How did we get talked into staying long enough for some magic event to signal our departure?
  21. Guns N Roses, they never made it out to Maine, I guess?
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