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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Beautiful shit. I'll have to frame it and put that on the wall.
  2. This is a microcosm; the green party is a minority everywhere.
  3. Dunno about that one. How's it go? The upper 10% own 90% of the wealth, the 90% have 10% of the wealth? I think this is late 20th century...it is even worse now.
  4. We have shades of socialism in the US. That does not mean we are a 100% socialist country.
  5. I knew someone would say this. Politicians talk, politicians vote. What else? Since he wasn't in office, he talked. Did he have to lay in front of the Saddam statue to avoid its tumble? Is that the action you need?
  6. You can't throw out these claims w/o some personal response of how he is a socialist (is that bad?) and other ditties. Then you tell us to go to his website. If you have internalized your spite for him so much, give us a comment.
  7. good point, shows you I was sweet talked into this perception. He didn't 'support' it is his statement, not he didn't 'vote' for it.
  8. Aware of that. That better be a bullet proof megaphone. Our country struggles to understand that socialism is not a bad word. Is there another word for taxing and providing social security? We practice forms of socialism, which I agree with, however, the consistency of it seems to vary depending on whether the elephants or the donkos are in charge.
  9. I, too, have little faith in the federal gov't. The presidential election is usually 'voting for the other idiot'. I wasn't excited about Kerry, but what choice did I have? I am definitely not voting for McCain. Perhaps I am under the Obama spell too. He does present himself as a good candidate and he did not vote to invade Iraq. That point speaks volumes about character. As far as shady people in his briefcase... what politician doesn't? Not saying it is right but it is a stale tactic that diverts from policy discussions.
  10. Our country could use a dose of socialist philosophy. Note, I said dose, not full on, which would never happen anyway. The claim that Obama is socialist is far fetched. He is drifting more toward the center, as well. I would rather have someone sending expectations to the nation, the politicians, and himself than someone who realizes we are screwed and will continue to be screwed and continue to screw other nations with our resource exploration, domestic subsidies, and democracy proselytizing.
  11. And that the severity of his blunders have shown us how important it is to be involved in the process of politics, especially the President. I recall during the Clinton years the sentiment was 'the President is just a symbol'. I believe voter turnouts have increased in since the 2000 election?
  12. He must have had it poking his arse on Tuesday night cuz he was jumping out of his seat thinking about Obama securing the primary.
  13. Gives them more time to let their flaws show. They can only maintain a guise of perfection for so long. Also, allows for application of their philosophy to current events that present themselves over the course. And it gives Tim Russert something to get excited about.
  14. Which is evident in his higher number of delegates disproportionate to popular vote. He is good at strategery.
  15. Agree. He has to get some of the southern states. And Richardson, good choice for cabinet...only if he grows the beard, though.
  16. Heifer dust...that is hilarious. I'll add that to my vernacular of shit talk. She and Bill came off as pushy and desperate. After all, it is a PR campaign. I just don't see the gender bias here. What I think is more gender biased is the report that Obama dare not pick a different woman for VP, like Sebellius (KS). Don't know if that is true or not though.
  17. Lesson 1: Understand when to back off. Understand when to push Lesson 2: Do not instigate the other candidate based upon race, gender, culture, etc. Lesson 3: During the primary keep it vague, with glimpses of detail. Expect to get negative PR as this is a political election. Do your best to maintain your base. Do not consider yourself another race, that you are not.
  18. What about Edwards? I wonder if the DNC wishes he was the nominee. He is a neutral pick, less reason not to vote for him which is all we need now going against the recent GOP track record and the Maverick. Politically, this would be good to get the GOP out of the White House. However, from a social aspect, just having an African/Euro American (multiracial) candidate in the election will expose and hopefully progress race relations in the US. It may have secondary effects on other countries as well...but what is more important? Guess that depends on who you are.
  19. I can't believe they allow that...are they still doing that? Might get worse, nationally, more specifically in CO as they are once again pushing the support of domestic resource exploration. Or travelling by rail near even more folks' back yards.
  20. You may get your wish cuz. McCain has proposed 10 of them and Obama appears receptive... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080604/ap_on_...cain_town_halls
  21. What is 'x raying pipe'? Is that to check for impurities or something. Yeah, I saw the documentary dealio on the residents near Chernobyl. Truly sad and gross, just plain evil what continues to effect these people.
  22. Cracker? they sucked. They were the equivalent to suck as much as STP. and this "And Fugazi made dull records" ... whatever, what a dildo
  23. I despise the claim that we are in free market. As long as we subsidize businesses, we are not free market and the gov't is manipulating who can win at the market. Like agriculture, energy technology is stalled due to subsidies. Small, innovative farmers continue to fight to stay in business because industrial farms are granted subsidies. Small farmers simply want the subsidies to go away to level the field. While I have no data, I have heard companies like BP saying they are investing in solar, wind, etc. However, I wonder what the discrepency between the old boys (coal, oil, nat. gas) is v
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