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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Which is what we do any other countries, but we need to reduce the troop and spending level. Many believe the Iraqis will continue to default to US security as long as we are there. Many believe the conflict is also there due to the number of troops. Being in N. America, we really don't know anything about what is going on. Maybe the Maverick should head back over in his flak jacket, buy some rugs, talked to some Generals and feed us some more bull.
  2. Or, rather, find a teet to suck. The GOP is far too powerful to let the Maverick determine their philosophy.
  3. http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/listofthe...ds-of-the-1990s this list is suck. no Beasties, Soundgarden, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Alice n Chains, and Nirvana at #10 or whatever, nevermind. And no Wilco! course they weren't fully accomplished then. And Phish were 90's but they were small compared to the others. Who else is Yahoo list worthy? I agreed with some, but thought they were kind of obscure for a Yahoo list, e.g. Dinosaur Jr. Oh yeah, and Pearl Jam. That is such of f. up I didn't even notice.
  4. I used to think that, too, maybe because I didn't think he would be running for prez. I have noticed the GOP get their grip on him. He has changed his presentation in the last several months, although his support has never been 'maverick' as he is now marketed as. This term, 'maverick', is going to get old fast. http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/06/04/m...ame/#more-29816
  5. Look at it holistically; not just this type or that type of food. You must gain an understanding of food sources, as well. 1 good book I recommend is Omnivore's Dilemma. It is entertaining as it is educational. Pollan's talks are also on TV. I believe it is UCTV. I think that is U of Cal. Fear meat, unless you or someone you know raises it. Pretty much everything else, too. I really wish federal subsidies would cease so that small farmers could lend a hand in producing local food for small towns as well as metropolitan areas.
  6. On to the fight against Grandpa Spazzotemper.
  7. I like hard cheese. The kind with little crystals in it. Enzymatic differences.
  8. Yeah, someone mentioned, what if it isn't true... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is "absolutely not" planning to concede the campaign to Barack Obama on Tuesday night, Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe told CNN on Tuesday. "No one has the number to be the nominee of the Democratic party right now," he said. McAuliffe, asked about an AP report that Clinton will acknowledge Tuesday night after the South Dakota and Montana primaries that Obama has the delegates to clinch the nomination for the November presidential election, replied: "They
  9. Why don't you like Flip? I care neither way, just think he looks more like the guy who sets up a mini grill for 90cent hot dogs and swills the beast in the parking lot before a NFL game.
  10. I noticed the yahoo article said she will leverage for VP...ughhhhh. shit.
  11. Yes, I should clarify. I meant hick as country folk who like to have fun, not the jacked up 4 by drivin' truck w/ a sticker that say, 'ain't skeerd'. Although that person is deserving, just clarifying...that ain't me.
  12. F. stomach dropped seeing that.
  13. We loved Cain's. It had the feel of an old basketball gym. I agree, the 6 pack deal is cheap and safer than having bottles or cups runneth over.
  14. Add non-gmo seed and to the layperson it is organic. If you are talking the USDA or the various entities that certify 'organic' that is not the case. I do not use chemicals. If I can't grow w/o chemicals, I don't grow it.
  15. hilarious I'm a fan of Jeff's rough work on At Least That's What you Said. It's like Jackyl.
  16. Share your experience w/ eggplant. I tried last year and the beetles ate the shit out of it. I tried diatamaceous earth. Locals say to use sevin dust, but my perception is some that is some bad chemical mojo?
  17. I tried that, but am gradually breaking down and mowing. My grass is 4' tall. There are trolls lurking in it.
  18. That would take a long, hot fire. and a lot of piss
  19. Oh, no, it's not from back then, it's from the exposure of the exposure of boy scout leaders, what was that like 7 years ago. I can't look them w/o thinking,,, ewwww
  20. I understand your point, now. I just like Jordan because I had the carnvial Air Jordans in 4th grade. They improved my game.
  21. No, I was in Indian Guides, the boy scout haters. Everytime I see a boy scout group at a campground I get ill.
  22. That's funny, I hope. Isn't it...unless I am missing something like, % during the last 2 minutes of the quarter, or during close games, or when it is sunny outside?
  23. During game 6 after he had to ride the pine for another foul, he said (very clearly) to the camera, "get that fuckin camera out of my face." And he looked serious. It was great. I like his passion for the game, he just loses it from time to time. First time I saw Garnett in the playoffs I thought he was going to get a T everytime he came down the floor. He gets psyched.
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