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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Your soul shines brightly. Pfft, who needs empathy? It is ruining my existence.
  2. Aww, forget it. He headed the Clinton impeachment (waste of time and money) and is against medicinal mary jane...he's a libertarian? whatever. Also defends man woman marriage. This is a liberarian? Nice job. Does anyone field a decent candidate?
  3. It isn't that simple to me. 1. If Obama is expected to roll to easy victory in Missouri, I would vote for Barr. 2. If it is tight, I will vote for Obama. 3. If a considerable amount of McCain voters are lured to Barr, then my vote for Obama is less worthy. I can vote for Barr while not hurting Obama defeating McCain, while showing that a 3rd party should continue to compete for gov't positions. 2 is most likely at this point.
  4. Everyone is in a position to purchase oil futures, though if purchased now probably will not show much of a margin. I assume that you and I are US citizens, therefore, we are able to tell our government through voting and correspondence that we disapprove of meandering in other countries. I agree. I would love to help rebuild Iraq. It wouldn't be responsible as I have a family and it is still dangerous over there. Perhaps if I were single and the conflict was decreased it would be feasible.
  5. It seems like Barr is pulling people from McCain's pool. We'll see what happens as the day nears. Our state is pretty tight, so I'll probably go with Obama, though I don't want to. Ok, you've influenced me.
  6. I am sure your personal gain supercedes the effects that the little people in our country and abroad have felt due this stoopid clown's puppet act. How many Iraqi citizens have died? Oh, that doesn't matter, it is negative.
  7. So here was my preference for the prez: 1. Ron Paul 2. John Edwards For the last 2 mos. it has been Obama only. Starting to rethink that since both the Dems and Reps. are losers. The idea that Dem leaders hedge their bets to go along w/ Rep. tyranny plot in Iran is sickening. Tell me why I shouldn't vote for Barr. It doesn't appear, at this time, to hurt Obama. It is hurting McCain. Right? Oh, I really like how the big news center (msnbc) say he has a chance because he has a moustache. The big media sux. I realize he has no real chance, but the media/dems/reps big boy on the block menta
  8. This shit is fukt. It shows how the Dems and Reps are both retards (no offense to those with M.R.)...full offense to the Dems and Reps...really makes me want to vote independent.
  9. On the super cheap tip for clothing http://www.longscycle.com/
  10. Unless you figure somethin out. A friend of mine put pegs on a fixie. I've seen him hit 35 while propped on the pegs.
  11. several: bike nashbar, price point, cambria, performance My experience w/ performance is poo. Price point and cambria have been good. All these companies can rip you off on some stuff, just think about whether you can install whatever you buy before you buy it. Bike shops despise the "I bought this online and can't figure out how to put it on."
  12. It is good enough at this point to chip away at our dilemma, as well as begin our education as to what needs to be done in terms of solar and wind. Many countries in Europe use substantial amounts of alternative energy. I am aware that these are dense populations, however, we could enact similar situations here within counties.
  13. I hope so. With all the inputs of fuel, subsidies, and lobbying it is a waste.
  14. Hell no, drink some beers and get on your horse, cowboy.
  15. What I gathered from the lefties is that Obama started the idea of no private finance. However, he mentioned the other candidate had to be on board. It seems Obama didn't aggressively pursue the idea w/ McCain. The rationalization is that Obama 'has' public financing via the internets. However, we all know there are some special interest that contribute. Anyone know if the 527 is available to the public? It would interesting to compare the two candidates.
  16. Thanx for the knowledge. That makes sense. The wiki on it discussed other things weren't constructed correctly, as well. Still, I am leary. The sun is a bright mutha.
  17. seems to conclude the article with a compliment: All I know for sure is that this guy is no liberal goo-goo. Republicans keep calling him na
  18. Looks to be partisan in my state: Senator Christopher Bond (R-MO) Accepted $133,850 from the oil and gas industry since 2000. Supported the industry in 100% of selected votes. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) Accepted $29,350 from the oil and gas industry since 2000. Supported the industry in 33% of selected votes. Representative Ike Skelton (D-MO04) Accepted $19,650 from the oil and gas industry since 2000. Supported the industry in 45% of selected votes.
  19. Holy crap, our buds at Bechtel are getting paid to clean up Chernobyl. Shelter Implementation Fund (SIP). The Shelter Implementation Plan calls for transforming the site into an ecologically safe condition through stabilization of the sarcophagus, followed by construction of a New Safe Confinement (NSC). While original cost estimate for the SIP was US$768 million, the 2006 estimate is $1.2 billion. The SIP is being managed by a consortium of Bechtel...
  20. And Chernobyl...saw a documentary on the peeps that were and still are affected by that. Frightening. I am fairly certain we have at least one nucleur site in Missouri. You can see it from I70, south of the road. It seems close enough to affect travelers if something should happen. Seems like a 'not in my backyard' scenario to increase the use of these. It is also sad that some homeowners associations prevent solar panels, and some environmental groups block windmill use cuz of bird deaths, noise, and scenery nuisance. Alternative: inability for humans to live on this ball
  21. You should be the energy czar, except you would probably be executed by the oilers. It is a shame we are holding off a concerted effort in r&d to improve solar technology due to cost. We should have done this years ago, everyone continues to say that, but we can't even commit to it now. Seems hopeless. I suppose we will hold out for a miracle discovery of oil?
  22. Thanx for all that. Will be returning in October for work crap. Didn't get to do much the last time I was there 'cept eat pizza, talk to street folk, and see Wilcos.
  23. How do you reuse the waste and why is this better than solar and wind?
  24. I started crying when I watched that go down last night.
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