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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Some never fit the mold of their generation. Dylan became a voice of the boomers. It seems Dylan was reluctant, however, he continued to release songs that were the pulse of the boomers. His old clips of fighting being put into a box/label by the media are hilarious. The same rebel feel of Morrison, but with coherence and cryptic humor that punched those dillholes in the mouth.
  2. So what is wrong with letting them discuss what their taste is. The nays have it. Because they like bad coffee relative to good coffee and relative to really bad coffee and this not an opinion...this is FACT.
  3. I am downloading, but after reading the reviews I guess I won't waste my time. Harshin on my mellow. It's cool, Nels, I love you man. You too Jeff.
  4. How 'bout a DNC acoustic jam w/ Neil, Bruce, Fogerty & Tweedy. Nels on the lap, Glenn on drums. Outro w/ Hendrix Star Spangled Banner.
  5. Just saw that Paul Pierce was quoted as saying Kobe isn't the best, what about me? Prolly a joke, but it made all the whiney Laker fans mad. I seriously hope Boodiechech cuts his hair before the season starts...and stops whining. Oh, yeah, Pierce needs to quit whining too.
  6. shit a brick; i'll be out of technology range. i could hang at starbucks for wifi. wonder what time they close.
  7. homage, respect, tradition, nice combo of fight the power between two distinct generations, and Neil can still play, damn.
  8. Then how do you explain O'Reilly's paycheck and middle of the road reporting? I overheard him today on talk radio saying he stood up for both parties and would go to bat for either that are misrepresented. I really believe him, pffft.
  9. Jeff Tweedy - Leavemealone Pat- Touchme Glenn- Heeeeeeeeeeeey Nels- Righton John- Quitlookinatmewaitnolookatme Mike-
  10. Best post, ever. But hey, no pretense there. You get what you get. - Chief Sometimesanasshole
  11. No kidding. Maybe this political thing is too much like the entertainment industry and we expect something new everyday. It seems rather mundane right now. Barry is taking a stroll through some rural spots of our state of MO this week. McCain is emphasizing the need to use sunscreen. Exciting, huh?
  12. Good. Was not expecting much, though. It was hilarious to see Scully researching a medical procedure on google days before the surgery. What a laugh. The lovey stuff was cheesy. The gore was more than I expected.
  13. Man, Sir Charles. What a guy. His book from eons ago is a good read. Cheers to the round mound of the rebound.
  14. Yeah, after thinking about it, a lot of places uses basket cuz they're cheap. But what about when they specific refer to it at as a basket meal? And I think they have to throw it at you when it is ready. And fried is usually a prerequisite.
  15. This may deserve a new thread, but what other dishes come in a basket? Chicken strips Fish and chips ?
  16. Our chili would sit til eaten. It would sit for like 2 weeks sometimes. Same w/ that repulsive bbq. Dude, I guess you don't have access to bbq cuz that stuff is nasty. Oh, there I go again, imposing my subjectivity. But come on, really? DQBBQ good?
  17. Now that the f bomb has been let outta the milkbag: Edited for offensive content I still have nightmares about that. Real nasty. Flies on warm ketchup is gross too.
  18. does this mean the discussion of starbucks is over? and it's a pic posting suaree I just threw up in my mouth. Then laughed. Adding the word 'basket' drives it to a particular user group.
  19. I worked at a rathole DQ in HS. Thick ass milk in a bag. Yuck.
  20. Holy crap. Said today in Berlin in front of 200,000:
  21. and he is nowhere near as crusty as y'all...for an expert.
  22. Now I think you are retreating hastily to your corner in Charbucks amongst the rack of compilation #s and sbs. I love it, dude. I just laughed my ass off. But you're wrong, I'm right. haaaaaaaaaaaa
  23. depends on the source of the egg, just like the coffee oh, and who cooks it. Too high of a heat, too long. good example, thanks.
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