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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Full Grown - Jon Spencer Blues Explosion ... especially the intro chorus.
  2. Oh, shit. Don't mention subjective and truth. This is so gray I can't even argue it. Perhaps that is your point. Good point. What's up with the Dave Kingman avatar?
  3. I've heard some of their bootlegs and the music sounds good, just not much energy. I totally agree with STP suck statement. I wasted 30 minutes of my life in the 90's watching the first song of 3 different shows.
  4. Thanks for ruining my day at work. I wish I would not have read that.
  5. Second, the bastards! Neater'n'hell. Long cut (core haha) and I shall be released. Looked like a good one.
  6. She looks more Frankenstein than him. Not that looks matter for a Prez (to me). I just want to see him try to mimic Howard Dean's victory dance.
  7. Yeah, the Hawaiin folk were real happy about that. btw, is that how you spell Hawaiin? I can't afford exotic vacations. Phil Graham is more evil than DICK Cheney. He deregulated the energy sector...good work, now we have speculation trading of oil. And stop whining about it, too. Nice touch, Phil.
  8. I'm voting for what you are saying and hoping the Zogby is b.s. I noticed it was taken while Barry was on vacation, also.
  9. and don't forget crappy furniture,unwanted pets and trashed beer pong tables
  10. I thought it was a legless dude with a big weiner. Honest, I did.
  11. Yeah, I was thinking, "maybe this is why Putin invaded." Wrong Georgia Love the camo T and short combo. You can lounge around the shitstye w/o being scene.
  12. Will that become acronymed to replace WWJD?
  13. Best western actor, ever. Josey Wales...can't watch that enough. Friggin love that movie. Not from Clint but still good..."don't piss down my back and tell me it's rain."
  14. The ego is strong in this one. I like how Edwards blamed his philandering on the development of his fat ego via the campaign process. Yeah, John, ownership of the problem is still developing. And is anyone up on this idea that Elizabeth pushed the publishing of the story out of vengeance? What's up with that? Rake his nuts over the coals. Ouch. But I still you.
  15. Oh, Julie, don't get too excited. It was one of the dopes that couldn't clap correctly.
  16. Yeah like this one below (ummm, don't go to a show if you tired of a band, maybe?) In general, the crowd was pretty tame aside from a select handful in the front. I'm included in the tame category and feel that Tweedy should learn to chill and not chastise the audiences that don't go apeshit over a Wilco set. I say this because I've seen ten times now after tonight and I am honestly Wilco-ed out (for now). They are great and are one of my favorites, but they're not that riveting on repeated shows (sorry to all the diehards on that one). They're sets are great or decent until the encore(s) wh
  17. And Lawrence and StL last year. And Pat wears that blue vest combo every night. They should pay Pat a few more clams so he can buys some new clothes. I think Jeff is too lazy to buy clothes. What song did Nels pull the banjo out for?
  18. Reasons for a mountain bike: - ride off road, singletrack trails Reasons there are so many on the market: - perceived to be more comfortable than road bike - cheap to spec the components (shifter, brakes, derailleurs) - more durable - looks cooler than a roadie (majority believe so) - no good reason really cuz either a hybrid or road bike can do everything (except singletrack) and if they made more of the road or hybrid they would be a little cheaper. The price points are mt bikes are way cheaper than road and most hybrids. And a roadie or hybrid is way faster and smoother on street.
  19. Yeah, my 3 year old drinks a couple Sammies and Bullies before bed. Puts her right to sleep. Simple, yet defining moment of truth that will be.
  20. Ha, no, putting the kid to bed. Usually takes a couple (beers & books).
  21. I'm a big fan of the genre but never got into Leon. Can't explain why either. I am found dumb, dumbfounded, if you will.
  22. That book is ok. Goodnight Moon. I like the randomness of the message, like 'goodnight nothing' and the page is blank. It's a good drunk read.
  23. Ddub roadblocks are b.s. And should we curb our speech out of fear? Maybe think before we speak but continue to deliver our messages...much like the environment within public schools and universities. Anytime a shooting occurs we get tentative. It takes time to regain the ability to look at students and not wonder if they are planning to shoot someone. In the theater of politics and the public this is especially screwy since the public is everywhere and politicians are accessible. But wait, maybe that isn't the story here. Maybe the shooting was over personal shtuff like boinking his ol'
  24. Very good point. While Barry does not have the volume of leadership tests, he does seem to articulate the direction the US is trending closer toward peaceful nation that intercedes only when absolutely necessary moreso than Johnny boy. I will admit some of his recent statements about Israel and Iran were disturbing (to appease the Jewish vote). Yes, he is a politician, a vote whore. But, if the GOP strategists are so smart, why did they let McCain get to this point? They knew he would be a suck ass candidate. He has too much experience, i.e. too many variables to consider and some are gr
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