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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. I feel you. I have friends in the Baptist Church that are as tired of politicians invoking the culture wars as I am. And the Springs would be a strange place to live. Near a couple of Front Range liberal areas, but the Focus and the Family and all that, wow. Two completely different realities.
  2. Real happy that MSNBC has removed Matthews & Olbermann from live events. Gregory is so vanilla. I will miss the enthusiasm of Tweety and the chutzpah of Keith the librul. F/n sux. Fire Pat Buchanan while yer at it. A hole.
  3. I don't care about this shit anymore. I am voting for Obama. Time to get local. Peace.
  4. Victimizing the elite? I get it, tell the biggest lie to get them to believe it. Didn't Hitler use that theory?
  5. Brokaw: But the fact is, Governor, that you had eight years of a Bush administration, and a lot of Republicans in Congress for the past eight years. So why wouldn
  6. I watched it. Bill's spaz out kept Obama to 5 second responses that required a little more elaboration. Bill needs to take some lessons from Charlie Rose. Charlie is a spaz too, but controls it so well he appears asleep. Best Charlie Rose moment was the 'Into the Wild' interview where Penn smokes 2 packs and Ed Ved is stoned. As many 'round here say...subjective. To each his own.
  7. I guess we don't have time to acknowledge culture. After all, I am not a German American. I am white. There is a lot of difference between a German American and a ______________American You might be thinking of Rush...an equally shitty band of that era.
  8. We love you too bob. And there are 2 N's in Olbermann.
  9. I, too, doubt that Keith fears the GOP Presidential or the GOP VP candidates. Don't say their names, it gives them power. pfft.
  10. Or multiracial? But I catch your drift, I thought you meant Hispanics weren't a group...that they were white (only). Carry on.
  11. Keep them on topic? Shit, Bill O is classic ADHD, jumping around to 4 new questions while Barry is still trying to say hello. And that damn snickery smile of his, uggghhhh. Between that and McCain's nap I felt like the election was already over and the GOP were on the next 4 years or ruin(n)ation.
  12. Someone said "hispanics are white people" at the end of round 7...what does that mean?
  13. Reposition oil subsidies to alternative energy development manufacturing in local economies. Benefits employment and energy at the same time while reducing dependence on domestic and imported fossil fuel while reducing environmental emission damage.
  14. Exactly, especially since the civil war is getting ready to begin (again) over there. NPR had a good story on the Sons of Iraq (100,000 of them) and their new political power as a reason for the 'established' gov't to squash their movement, regardless of the good work they did recently to reduce the conflict. It was interesting to note that the Sons are the original 'insurgents' we faced initially. We are bankrolling them...now the Iraq gov't is against them. Stuck in the middle with you.
  15. Haven't seen it, will have to check it out. Have seen Jacob's Ladder. Pretty trippy.
  16. I would check the World Health Organization and the multitude of Counseling, Psychology, Psychiatry journals. From what I have read the PTSD situation is being dealt with very unethically. To the military's defense, they focus on physical wounds (visible problems) as a priority, however, the intangible mental health state is left to fester and later, often, becomes a physical problem for themselves and others (friends & family). For what discipline is your thesis intended? I told myself I would never do this, but... "quoted for stupidity" Google you some Walter Reed.
  17. For the record, I though her speech was full of GOP cliche. Fear Family Faith Fighting Fucking, oops, an accident
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