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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. snuck that sumbitch in right before Xmas, pulled an Anslinger. He was a bastard a hole too.
  2. Because Gramm passed that shit so that banks receiving the mortgage didn't have to make good on them. They were just finders for loans that were believed to be guaranteed by the gov't through Freddie Fuckstick. Guess what, the rich execs gutted that shit. Maybe if some control would've remained that wouldn't have happened. Finder banks wouldn't have been so quick to get signees. The interest rate wouldn't have been manipulated. Bush wouldn't have pushed for that ownership b.s. that someone referred to earlier. You know, the more people bring this shit up the more I remember (that I have repres
  3. Ok, I'll speak dork to you: The federal government has done a lousy job looking out for the little people, the 98%. They did it in Agriculture when it busted and it appears they are doing the same with the financial difficulties they face on Wall St.
  4. While reading Greenspan's book I got the sense that he never did anything except let it ride and keep people from falsifying the reality of the economy. Now that we have seen the effects of faking good, I see how important his role was.
  5. It was Phil Gramm and his band of idiots that deregulated the mess allowing shady loan transfers to go on. Don't confuse that with Clinton being in office during an economic boom thus people feeling they were getting somewhere economically. That's like saying you blame Clinton for presiding over prosperous times.
  6. It is interesting to note that industrial agriculture was supported by the US, thus allowing small farmers to feel the crash. Who is going to feel the Wall St. crash of 08? The small people.
  7. Joseph McCarthy is alive and well, I f88cked her last night.
  8. right wing American Graffiti loving nut job add a side of fear of the future?
  9. And you are reading too many emails circulated by religious zealots, uninformed fanatics, 1950's lovers, and warmongers?
  10. Granola is good for your health, Cap'n Crunch. It seemed rather mathematical to me, not hippy. Hippies and tax revenues? hmmm. Dept. of Corrections. yeah hippies work there. Check one example in state of Alaska (2004): This perspective has led to some fairly substantial claims regarding the amount of money to be saved by taxpayers if marijuana were decriminalized. For example, a recent study by Scott Bates (2004) claimed that Alaska was spending $25-30 million per year enforcing marijuana prohibition laws. Further, since there is no link between marijuana use and criminal behavior, there w
  11. So, just do what we have been doing? Alright. Do I have to take xanax or can I get something more natural? This would be a great time to propose grass legalization. Increase tax revenue, decrease dollars spent on incarceration. Do it for the sake of the economy!
  12. I agree that Charlee was mean. I agree that many people in the US are uninformed. I agree that many people vote Dem or Rep regardless of what 'truth' they discover.
  13. Gawddamn someone's been smoking crack. I've heard Obama might, if the polls are too close. Biden health problem, insert Hillary- problem solved. Take the women back. And maybe Bill wouldn't be a dildo sellout. "uh, Todd Palin is cool" whatever Bill.
  14. he never has been in charge, he is a puppet and if they need the puppet for another act he ain't goin' to Dallas to watch baseball
  15. No one said anything about blacks and dems. This goes way beyond that. Politics appears to be a smokescreen to the long term goal. -resident wacko stoner
  16. 10% that understand they've been played and do not agree with the NAU. The dollar is worthless- new currency, the amero, brings 'hope' buying power. In the fall of 2002, the Continuity of Government Commission was launched to study and make recommendations for the continuity of our government institutions after a catastrophic attack. September 11th raised the possibility that foreign enemies might seriously disrupt the filling of vacancies in Congress, presidential succession, and achieving a quorum for the Court so much so that our basic institutions might not function in a normal constit
  17. predictable I believe you understand Ron Paul. You should understand this.
  18. 1.prop the financial system for larger failure 2.recession, dollar is worthless 3. continuity of gov't 4.bailout- NAU, amero 5.troops at home for revolt of 10% of population, the other 90% are just happy to be able to buy shit again. insert my picture here
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