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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. This is how I feel. And yeah the galvanization is evident w/ the Fox text msg poll. On the other side, Tweety did another 180 to retrieve viewers. Newsflash Chris: peeps are watching you to galvanize as well. You ain't pickin up any undecideds or new viewers with this approach. I love his enthusiasm but his drastic push to 'unbiased' is painful to watch.
  2. liberal a) fiscally b ) socially c) central or state power d) foreign affairs e) all of the above f) chef's choice
  3. Yeah, no kidding. Don't give them any ideas. I wouldn't put it past the dillhole brainchildren Tucker Bounds & Rick Davis.
  4. It's on bitches. McCain is gonna show up to the fight after school.
  5. He is friggin nuts in that. I agree that the all knew. They've known for sometime, but his approach, damn Bill, that is entertainment. And I thought I got pist when I read about gov't conspiracies. Bill is the King of Pist.
  6. Maybe adults aren't so go at these things either, moreso? All thats sacred comes from youth Dedication, naive and true With no power, nothing to do I still remember, why dont you...dont you...
  7. Maybe since Tucker (Bounds) is such a painfully obtuse idiot I focus on his b.s. For the Obama haters, who plays a similar role in lefty's campaign?
  8. Ok, here's one thing Bush did right. Did not go along with Olmert's (no longer in power) plan for bombing the shit out of Iran http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/sep/2...hepalestinians1
  9. and works on pipe, fishes, secedes, there are a couple more but I don't care anymore. Ask Bill Clinton, he appears to have man love for the dude. I am too, there are some weird things going on right now.
  10. Pray all you want or pay off the courts there cuz the Native Americans are saying hell no and this is half the distance of the pipeline. I heard this on American radio, so if Canadians know more, holla.
  11. Yeah, this is still weird to me. How do you 'get' Wilco and Pearl Jam and still not see clearly? I agree both campaigns run a little b.s. but we expect that with politics. However, the total lack of ability to formulate a plan for the future or even stay afloat in the future is becoming painfully evident in the Rep. campaign.
  12. ...because... he is left handed is muslim is multi racial is intelligent what? say it.
  13. Exactly, the point is moot. And the dipshits will say, "just by saying it, I agree with their character." K, whatever. Get back in the minivan, to borry a phrase from Letterman, and we'll keep riding this shit out.
  14. You all think I am out there... 20. You can forget about the NAU's Amero. The Amero is off the table - the Canadian Prime Minister said 'We're not going to support a bankrupt country'; and Mexico is so corrupt that nobody knows where they're coming from. the rest of the shit is friggin wack. http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?ac...e;topic=59926.0
  15. You are not understanding the original question. Why would you vote for McCain (not against Obama). and our friends at Comedy Central and Maher would rake it in, but they've had enough fun the last 8 years.
  16. more likely in almost all...so there is some belief in searching for truth beyond what the gman tells us? This is encouraging, a chink in your armor, but a good one.
  17. I haven't seen 3 reasons to vote for McCain yet. Anyone there? Or do we have to wait until the suspension is lifted?
  18. The mortgage swaps distancing the originator of the loan from the ultimate collector were made legal only as a result of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which former Senator Phil Gramm, R-Texas, pushed through Congress just hours before the 2000 Christmas recess. Gramm, until recently co-chair of the McCain campaign, also had co-authored the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which became law in 1999 with President Bill Clinton's signature. That gem, which Gramm had pushed for years with massive financial industry lobbying, destroyed the Depression-era barrier to the merger of stockbrokers, bank
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