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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. That's a zinger. Barney's been too busy this week to put up with GOP b.s. grandstanding.
  2. NEW YORK - Republican John McCain says he's directing his staff to work with Barack Obama's campaign and the debate commission to delay Friday's debate because of the economic crisis. In a statement, McCain says he will stop campaigning after addressing former President Bill Clinton's Global Initiative session on Thursday and return to Washington to focus on the nation's financial problems. McCain also said he wants President Bush to convene a leadership meeting in Washington. Both he and Obama would attend the session. ME - .....bawk bawk, whatever. Run away from the convention (Bush
  3. Getting better...interviews with Repubican voters. HW interviews, great stuff.
  4. Not much substance yet at midpoint. Mostly highlights of the 04 campus tour. Eddie Vedder performance is the highlight so far.
  5. Slacker uprising came out yesterday. Haven't watched it yet. Anyone, anyone?
  6. I thought they weren't allowed on u.s. interstate roads...only local highways and such.
  7. Second that. I'll send a donation on payday. -2fnbrokerightnow
  8. for the people by the people, my ass! I forgot NC elected a football player. Gonna have to look up the 'stories to glory' on these other Judes or Jules whichever of them is rich or both, whatever.
  9. Just like BillO, Hannity, & Rush...entertainment. she sure is, you said it.
  10. I am surprised Georgey didn;t tell us to go out and spend money today to help our country. After all, don't these corporations need our money to stay alive and keep Amurica strong? Later, I going to go buy some flags, energy funds, and some soda to wash it down.
  11. Or the response to that was the "Fuck Tibet, Free Boulder" stickers.
  12. I'm sporting the "Jon Stewart for President 2008" along w/ some local shtuff.
  13. You should rebuild the mortgage industry. Your knowledge is being wasted explaining your skill on VC.
  14. I am venting, I don't talk about them much. No, except they tend to buy the shit that McRovebush sell more than the college grad of any ethnicity. I made the point that "Dude" typifies that demographic because McPain already has them in their pocket, unless they receive Union pressure to go "Lord Obama". Fencesitters. Who are they? White women, perhaps some elderly, as well. Tit for tat, we can do this all day. Has McPain figured out that Spain isn't in Mexico? And that they are an ally in the war against the evildoers?
  15. I think he was referring to getting rid of Bush's tax cuts so everyone is taking it up the arse like you and I.
  16. They are really trying to pimp him out. Let's see who they are reaching for... commercial fisherman- whitey, not college grad prod operator oil- whitey, not college grad Steel workers- whitey, but pull some union voters from Dem, not college grad snow mobile racer- whitey, no school at all dude- whitey White women? After reading Analogs' maxed out mom, maybe they are pimping him for that? The dream stud of a single or married overworked mom? I sure hope there is some reason cuz I'm sick of hearing about Mr. Studmuffin and his Douchehole wife.
  17. During the presidential campaign it is. Gets annoying after awhile. Every news story is footnoted with what Barack or Sarah would do.
  18. McPain voted with Bush in regards to 2 ply. They sided w/ corporations that could hold a larger profit margin, while Obama, though not in office at the time, pronounced the negative effect this would have on the middle class's bungholes just so special interests could profit. Anytime Beevis.
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