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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Whereas this mystery person was McPain's chief campaign econ advisor til he flubbed and Obama has courted this Stiglitz fellow. Black and white, black and white. -Darth Sidius
  2. My buddy Sal said commissions were only effective with the mafia. I respectfully disagree as I found this today while doing some research: On April 14, 1982, President Reagan established the Presidential Commission Against Drunk Driving (PCDD). This commission established 39 recommendations to curb what was perceived to be a drunken driving epidemic. Taken together, the 39 recommendations were intended to be comprehensive approach with a goal of reducing the number of alcohol-related deaths on the nation
  3. Yeah it might have to be opened up to free market since the idgit Retardicans gutted it to pay for miniature dirt wars, you ants. Trickle down on this, biatches.
  4. My bad. So he would, temporarily leave the wealthy tax cuts in place. That makes sense. If we are in a recession the folks w/ money in stocks probably feel the brunt. They can still eat out and stuff though. I can't. Looks like I'll have to start making my own booze again. My thirst for the drink is recession proof.
  5. Duh, would you like him to emulate Dub's 'resolve' and push on with a plan that he configured 1 year ago? Of course he wouldn't cut taxes IF we were in a recession.
  6. If you had a particular set of skills, e.g., counselor, heavy equipment operater, crisis & disaster mgt., environmental engineer, or just someone who enjoys physical labor, you could have been 'paid' to help. I know that people in these capacities did help, but the fact is many more could've helped if not for their own responsibilities, e.g., family, job, etc. I am not blaming the population. In hindsight, armchair quarterback thinks more gov't leadership in other areas besides promoting shopping and retaliation may have helped. He has been published...wait so is Jesus. Shit. He ha
  7. Yeah, it's my newfound interest since they hate it, it must be good. After all, we are talking in absolutes. -Sith Lord Haa. -Chris 'Tweety' Matthews
  8. Perhaps helping families that lost family members. Helping with clean up. Helping with business continuity. And while I wasn't in the area, I would assume there is much more that could have helped people in the area. Oh, and it also could've helped if they had more environmental engineers to determine the safety and, therefore, the precautions of the actual clean up. I don't mean to one up you, I just wish more money and effort were given to community building instead of retaliation.
  9. Volunteer. Our gov't spent trillions to allow people to fight, but not help.
  10. This appears to be the only thing that will bring youth into the fold. But, I hope that doesn't happen. I guess, "continue to be apathetic, like I was during my first 5 years of college." So McPain calls for complete reform of economic policies (read from a notebook, real sincere and knowledgeable). Does he realize his buddy, Phil Gramm, deregulated that shit...and energy regulation? Oh, yeah, he forgot. Too old I guess. Good thing his VP is young and knowledgeable about such things. Oh, shit, she's young anyway.
  11. The area between Orange Julius and Ground Zero are vast. People were supposed to follow the lead of the government. They did. Now we have 8 million dollars worth of plastic flags from China. It would interesting to see an America that was led by community service instead of kneejerk capitalism. Oh, wait, community service is bad, I just learned from the RNC. Perhaps the federal gov't could've subisidized a volunteer program. You from Michigan, me from Missouri could've helped. We have programs like Habitat for Humanity that did a great deal of work following Katrina. Pump some money into
  12. Did FEMA come in fed style and say this is my rodeo? Upon failure, you can have your rodeo back.
  13. I thought Palin had us covered up there with her moose gun and her driller hubby. Oh, and her grandbaby's daddy. He has some guns to shoot the fuck out of shit with. Oh, yeah, and hockey sticks. Hockey stick slap to a Ruskie's dome. I changed my mine. Visceral ass kickin party of the Reps. No fancy talk. Go McPain!
  14. Whose people have been supplanted throughout the Gov't? Yep, Gdub's conservative compassionists
  15. Yeah, but some idgits don't think we should. That's why they're idgits. I wonder how bad things have to be before peeps at least understand some things, read, absorb some internet news, etc. At least attempt to know what is going on.
  16. I think we are saying the people tend to follow the gov't's lead in times like these. The gov't didn't do a very good job in either situation. By the time Katrina happened and the area was given the ok by FEMA (Ol' Dick), the volunteers did an exceptional job, as they always do in America, w/ the exception of the Red Cross money theft scandal. You would be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks most American citizens aren't willing to help in a crisis.
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