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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. I agree. Neither candidate understands this shit, in depth. However, they both have a team of advisors and it appears to me that Obama gleans more info from his folk. Yeah, I wasn't alive then. I wonder if we could choose to direct our tax contributions? Say we pick our top 3 areas, e.g. education, transportation, energy, on our withholding form? And if we don't want to decide, we can leave it up to the man, like we currently do. This way we have more control than just "call your representative".
  2. Face it, it is politically smart to cut taxes on a large majority (90% ?) that will receive a break. I would agree that rich folk pay a bulk of the tax total, however, they are not currently struggling like the rest of us serfs. Maybe it makes sense to change our tax focus until the serfs can catch up. What are you rich bastards gonna do if we can't afford to buy or invest in your shit or the bus lines can't afford to run and your servants can't clean your palaces? I've never seen people get this pist over taxes.
  3. She wasn't asking for a comparison of every stance. 5 things they agree with McCain. Shouldn't be hard to do if you feel strongly enough to debate for him.
  4. But what do you agree with what McRetardican proposes?
  5. It's hard to take you seriously when you use that word.
  6. Are you the sidekick to the maverick? Thanks for clarifying, I was starting to think you'd lost it.
  7. I second the motion, can't wait. I'll take all the political humor I can get right now.
  8. That would be the second time, the banks did it in the 80's. Our current agricultural methods are destroying our environment, our health, and other people's way of life. It would be nice to see a few more ballsy or cuntsy (what do you call a stand up female?) politicians. Kucinich, Paul, et al. It is easy to be out there for them, but at the same time they don't seem to be taken seriously by the people or other politicians.
  9. Our agricultural policies are awful, I agree. One thing I do comend McCain on is his refusal to vote for the ag bill. We control prices and product worldwide and it prevents agrarian communities from making a decent living. Nearby, in KC, the man is sitting on tons upon tons of dehydrated milk. They will not even release it for humanitarian efforts because it will upset the dairy market. Our Monsantos, Cargills, ADM are trying to control all seeds and not just in the US.
  10. I have always bitched and moaned about GATT & NAFTA. The inability to have neutral transactions on a massive scale has really hurt the US, while other countries with cheaper means of production have grown their exports significantly. Exports from the US appeared to become more specialized as we became a cog in a larger system. Without regulation of environmental waste, countries willing to push the environment have come out ahead in the short term. Many politicians have been quietly seeking reform of the global market. Quiet as in lip service. Perhaps only Ron Paul would be serious about i
  11. Or vote for the GOP and make it worse? If that is even possible. We are currently seeing the lowest disapproval rating ever. Margin or error: the liberals cooked the numbers. uh huh.
  12. Fellow Missourians getting real: http://www.rednecks4obama.com/
  13. That was later in the day, when I visited the Democratic HQ
  14. So I go to the local Retardican hq today to gain some insight on their candidate for state rep. in my district. 1. They have nothing to offer. Kind of shocked me especially since it is a hot race here. They tell me his is a CPA and the financiers in town speak highly of him. Whoa, thanks. 2. The old hags mention to everyone coming in, " He (Obama) is a mooslim, once a mooslim, always a mooslim, I don't think God wants him in the White House." One of the visitors responds, "good, I can say how I feel in here." At which point decries the Democrats are to blame for their McCain signs and sti
  15. The Daily Show helps me maintain some sense of sanity. Thank you Jon.
  16. Maybe if we found ourselves at a point where it wasn't a reach to try for a 3rd party it wouldn't be such a big deal to keep another party out of the house. I can't think of anything worse than seeing McPain in the house.
  17. Oh, I was also thinking that the investors gave more money to Obama. What does that say? He is a safer investment? Hmmm. You'll notice that the financial industry as a whole was nearly equal once you throw in the bottom feeders (insurance and real estate). My apologies if you work in these industries.
  18. I did and found this: total dems reps Agribusiness $8,329,269 $3,067,536 $5,241,306 Communications/Electronics $35,668,119 $26,254,027 $9,315,777 Construction $17,672,021 $7,252,936 $10,392,134 Defense $2,259,799 $1,165,086 $1,084,813 Energy & Natural Resources $9,603,692 $3,403,748 $6,192,288 Finance, Insurance & Real Estate $116,850,353 $59,408,736 $57,351,072 Health $32,196,888 $19,313,191 $12,814,264 Lawyers & Lobbyists $79,336,281 $59,246,160 $20,043,566 Transportation $6,913,505 $2,295,938 $4,603,294 Misc Business $64,716,350 $
  19. has to keep his stories of conquest quiet. he's still boinked em
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