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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. Obama ain't left. Kucinich is left. Does that give an appropriate measuring tool? And McCain is about to get left...left behind.
  2. Print some T's, open a website, find a certified plumber and start your business now....before the taxes get you and the name wears off.
  3. I think that is the main source of confusion. Profit, not total income.
  4. McCain didn't get the 'no blink' rule message from the architects. http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jh...Won't-Blink starts at minute 4 mark.
  5. Welcome to the real world Joe. There are no guarantees in small business. While there will be some niche markets that prosper in an economic downturn most will not. Blaming your ability to not open a business on taxes? Yeah, maybe partly to blame, but not in and of itself. If you are turning a 250g profit in a recession and you are complaining? WTF. As Barack said, what about your employees? What he didn't say, "what about your current and potential customers?" If 95% of them get a tax cut they will be more apt to afford you service. Instead of coping with shitty plumbing problems like a dri
  6. Well it sounded like a great analogy for our war in Iraq, forgive me for my interpretation. And maybe I am siding w/ Obama because I perceive McCain's argument as weak.
  7. Well, in that case, I don't believe I was for the war and occupation of Iraq anymore than I am for talking shit about Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Spain, probably France at some point. Who else will McBomb set his sights on? Go back to Vietnam and nuke em? What else?
  8. Because you prefer to fund war instead of programs within our borders. And you live in Ill. so no biggie.
  9. I'll take that little difference of what they will do and couple it with what one party won't do as well.
  10. Huh, you've posted about 70 x's in the last two days on taxes and you don't care about them?
  11. So he is taxing fewer than 5% cuz his plan his 200g individual, 250g couple.
  12. Is your vote contingent only on how your finances are affected? Do you not care about people that are struggling or are already homeless? What about foreign policy? Do you prefer more war? Do you want to continue to be dependent of fossil fuel? Funding for education?
  13. It seems like the Reps are even more to the right this time around. Maybe because they've galvanized their base to a point where it is polarizing them. I understand they needed a jumpstart, but picking Pallin (around w. terrorists) was the dumbest thing ever. The fencesitters are overwhelming siding w/ Dems. The 'vote for the man god wants' sentiment appears to have been revived in my area since her pick. I was planning to vote for a Rep for a local seat but knowing he subscribes to this shit is making me think about a Bobbob no vote. Our AG and state senate Dem candidate switched from Rep 2 y
  14. These dudes sure have a hard on for the crispy women of god with hopes she may suck their cob. You all see the nerdy Rep. WSJ dude on Maher last week? When it came down to revealing his reason for voting for Palin (not McCain) he said she was hot.
  15. Oh here we go, you din't. The video cam vigilante kid rules, thanx for the linx.
  16. That's sucky. Why OB so high, wan kanobi? I always wonder what effect insurance companies have. I guess I'll look it up on the google when I get a chance.
  17. Hey, you're in med school? Medical or Psy? What is your take on the effect that insurance companies have on medical pricing? What actually effects the cost of medical care and drugs? I am aware, well from 3 or so years ago, that liability or malpractice insurance was stifling the physicians to a point they were moving around the US to find the best deal.
  18. INTJ There are several on here, which is odd, because INTJ is rare. I need to take it again to see if that is still what I am.
  19. No shit, I had to leave the room. Would've been a good ad for "this is your brain on ADHD and blow"
  20. Maybe in the distant future we won't be strapped due to warmongering and the discussion of who to lay the burden on will be a thing of the past.
  21. This is a challenge when we do not consider cost of living. However, if they threw that into the campaign people would really shy away from figuring out all those damn numbers. In my region, the Obama plan seems pretty close (200 and 250), however in NY, Chicago, San Fran, etc. it would seem like 300 and 350 should be the cut. I agree w/ the rock star and athlete wage. People feed the obscenity. What I don't agree with is taxpayer supported stadiums.
  22. This is how I see pushing more taxes on the wealthy. The reality of us po folk is this. Personally, my financial liabilities are education and medical debt. The medical debt is b.s. and stems from 2 things. 1. Not being able to afford coverage 2. Even with coverage the shit didn't really cover the huge ass inflated bill for the service thanks to the insurance jack up. RV or death, a new Benz or white bread instead wheat?
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