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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. McCain will get Ohio anyway. Let the cheaters waste their money buying people off.
  2. I guess some of the electorate feel the economy, foreign affairs, energy, and the environment are a little more important than right to life or choice. The swath of fundamentalist voters seems to have ebbed in 04. We shall see.
  3. I am thinking the adjective 'national' or 'international' was left out prior to the noun "experience". She has plenty of experience shooting moose (per F.Thompson), raising lots of kids, going to church, being a hockey mom, and finally being the governor of Alaska for a brief while. Oh, she was also a mayor and PTA something or other. So her adjective would be "executive" as it relates to its noun "experience". However we cannot also use "national" or "international".
  4. The crispies forced it upon him in a super secret motel meeting. Dobson's pick. To maintain the fundamental base for the long term. This is one theory. Still chewing on that one, however it seems somewhat logical save for the fact what good does it do if they do not win by polarizing the undecided and independent voters?
  5. We'll see what Joe Loserdom does for the party. They'll prolly go to sleep. How many bottom teeth does he have?
  6. This was mentioned as a strategy to victory...being the victim. I dunno. I think people are seeking more than a little drama, especially when you consider we still have 2 months to go. Being the victim is short term.
  7. I can't take Fred's b.s. anymore...back to Magnum Force on AMC
  8. Dude, hold out for McCain's. He has 7 or more houses, Sarah only has 3.
  9. Isn't that what he is doing now? Acting like he knows what is going on. Caution: POW card being played early. Disclaimer: Yes I believe veterans should be respected, this is different. Fred just hiccuped. Must be drunk again. I'll call her now and tell her to stay home. The music sucks and no one is dancing. In the words of C. Matthews, "haaa."
  10. Fred Thompson. Loser. Laziest senator ever. Lack of foresight, foreskin, but he does have grit. He played grit on TV.
  11. Or someone who isn't a zombie. This convention is making me want to vomit. Laura, Cindy, a fumbling Pawlenty, Mavericks everywhere, blaaaaaah. ralph.
  12. Aha. The Retardicans drug of choice. It rules their decisions. I guess it should since the lobby demands it.
  13. So Olbermann is staying in NY instead of covering the RNC. This sucks. At least, Stewart is still there. I wonder of the gal from Democracy Now is out of jail yet? She looks pretty threatening to me.
  14. Seen it. Cards were preprogrammed to show a tally. Some were screwed up and showed more people voting Retardican than total quantity in the voting district. It looks like a pretty easy rig job, too. I know I am skeptical with any system when I walk in to my polling place and the workers have W stickers on their cars. Doesn't matter to me, McBush is going to win our state so I am writing Jon Stewart in. Grit. See John Wayne for an example. Or the second coming, Dubya. Grit is the only prerequisite to be Pres or VP.
  15. You don't wanna start that shit again. I don't mind, I'll debate coffee all damn day. Just put an espresso maker in my office so I'll cup that shit and report back.
  16. We just need Michigan out of those three, not to cheat, according to recent polls (fingers crossed). The other 3 look to be trending toward the Retardicans.
  17. "My gov't name is..." Diddy, come on, stay out of the election. What a dildo. "Stop playin' Sarah" "Alaska?, F**K!" "Get versed on black policies!"
  18. Afraid I haven't, but I did get to hear Lick It Up during lunch break caller request hour on of our crappy classic rock stations. What a treat. Yeah Yeah, Wooo, Lick It Up, It's only right now...
  19. Yeah, jealous cuz you just have a little joe.
  20. Perhaps they leave that out of 5th grade civics to prevent the pupils from learning that these methods have their time and place. They do so because they can't afford new tires.
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