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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. That'll certainly top J Jackson and Timberlake and Aerosmith. bluh. Aerosmith live was a painful experience. ouch. Wonder what he'll perform? Born to Run? Glory Days?
  2. The military branches must keep secrets to preserve our country. We know that. We are all for that. However, sometimes to protect itself it must stretch the rationale for keeping secrets...that maybe shouldn't be secrets? Maybe the "we can't handle the truth philosophy". I tend to believe the military, rightfully so, is a ballbuster for certain positions within each branch. They looked at Johnny's screwing around, drinking, wrecking planes, (maybe selling out) and decided they had enough. In this case, it is ethical to not reveal the truth to any joe schmoe. But, if the person turns aroun
  3. In a moment where he could have shown his committment to his buds and his country he waffled. Yes, this is the question. He is running for president. How he handled the situation is one, big, huge sign of his character. There are POWs that believe he waffled. He has blocked attempts to find POWs in Vietnam. These two points tend to lead people to seek what truly happened. I believe it is fair to understand whether he sold out and therefore it is fair to speculate on the basis of his presidential contention.
  4. Yeah, I am trying to figure this out from the internets. I even scanned some message boards in Russia...they feel like the victims. But then, the westerners say Georgia is the victim mostly due to this contingent of border countries with NATO aims. Scary thinking how these flare ups could lead to WW 3. You think the global economy was enacted to help marginalize all out WW due to opportunity cost of lost consumers for each country (market)? Unless a contingent of the willing enacted plans to bum rush the whole show. Russia, Iran, China? Pretty formidable. How would you answer to that? It is
  5. There are many things we will never know about the military as it survives by keeping secrets. Perhaps McCain's track record arrived at a point where he was a liability for further promotion. Now, marrying a rich bud girl in Arizona, dumping his wife, and securing a senate seat among the retirees is move 2. Why couldn't he have just continued being a douchebag senator?
  6. Nothin better than getting sauced with old timers. They were prolly hittin it too.
  7. Who still has missiles in silos? He looked like a slob and she was robot smile. Uh. Way to represent.
  8. Yeah, I think my disconnect is from watching their documentaries where Jeff talks deeply about things. Then, you meet him after a show and he is spent. Not to mention the panic disorder thing where he is probably thinking he'd rather be in the bus. To me that says he cares about his fans. Even though he appears to be on another planet.
  9. Is this legit or being circulated in the Karl Rove playbook?
  10. Oh, now you're the voice of reason? What are you going to call it? "The f*cking election" thread, with the subtitle of "I dare you to f*ucking have a discussion here"
  11. Good rationale. Instead of calling you a profanity, I'd just like to say you're a tool.
  12. According to your therapist, but not all would agree.
  13. If you can't discuss something you resort to f bombing it. I'm not pissy as you are f*cky.
  14. It looks like the f*ck gang has surfaced. All discussions will now cease. Another notch in the belt for thread closing. Good work, again.
  15. You own your feeling, not me. I would think you were an idiot though, but that is my opinion.
  16. I care. I live in the U.S. I look back at 00' and say to myself, "why didn't you vote?" Look at what this idiot is doing to our country. This is reflection, not disparaging or beating myself up. It is a statement that says let's not repeat that. Do you continue to burn your hand with hot water to avoid calling yourself stupid? In 04' I voted for the limpass Kerry to keep idiot from continuing. My reflection created a future action. It failed, but at this point a vote for the GOP still does not make sense to me.
  17. At the risk of making the granting institutions look bad?
  18. We differ there as well. The style of governing the GOP is currently using is imperialistic. It is destroying our country and others. At this point, why would I decide to support it?
  19. And you're clearly misunderstanding that reflection is our way of protecting ourselves from physical and mental harm. It could also be used for empathic humans to avoid causing harm to others. Your posts are entertaining, at best. That is a good point. We differ on the effectiveness of Gdub's 8 years in office.
  20. Reflection and beating yourself are two different things.
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