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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. I could see that happening. I drove by the Casino Queen today, blasting the song, and bellowing it at the top of my lungs. I fucking love doing that.
  2. Mine. I'm so amped right now that I think I sprouted a penis.
  3. I've joined the dancing-in-front-of-the-computer group. I wonder if my Apple warranty will cover the damage when I accidentally send this thing flying? "The monitor of my MacBook was a victim of really bad Wilco dancing."
  4. Too bad I sent mine to bed. She loses her mind when this song comes on and she'd be seriously digging this.
  5. They at least need to bring the horns on the next tour. And the vocal harmonies are this are fab. Shit. It's all allsome!
  6. That was right before I got there. I only caught one song of the KC soundcheck, but all of Andrew's.
  7. Horns + organ = bordering on some serious funk.
  8. At least don't start on Feb. 15th. That's my kid's birthday and the main reason I didn't go to the weekend shows. Wilco needs to cater more to my personal needs.
  9. That was amazing. Mr. Bird was a perfect addition. Goosebumpy. Next year? Fuck, yeah!
  10. Okay, I'll let you dream, then. (In all seriousness, I'm awash in the beautiful of it all and a bit teary, too.)
  11. So I hear. My husband said they were salting the streets downtown this afternoon. Barefoot + brick porch floor + frigid temps = me wanting to come inside really, really fast. But I wiggled my butt at a Metro bus first.
  12. Do you buy everything rock stars tell you to buy?
  13. I don't care that it's, like, two degrees. I'd really like to go dance on my front porch right now.
  14. Maybe the bursts of static are representations of "Less Than You Think".
  15. Is anyone else jogging in place right now, or just me?
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