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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. It's actually a lovely cotton. I was wearing the skirt over my pants so that the static electricity would help hold it up. That, and sheer force of will, which is how I usually keep my pants on.
  2. Maudie, your mom's one fast knitter! What's the final measurement on that scarf? (Ahem. I made an ugly skirt that's two times too big. This is why I knit instead of sew.)
  3. If I could crochet, I'd be all over that for your kiddo! I've ventured into sewing territory. I don't feel like reliving the horror. It's on my blog, with terrible photos of the outcome. I really should have my sewing machine confiscated before I do any real harm.
  4. Thanks so much, Maudie! As for donations of baby items to the hospital in Portland, they don't have to be hand-crafted. They need lots of new baby items - clothing, blankets, hats, booties, etc. We're not gathering the baby items; feel free to send them on your own with a note that it's in honor of Natalie Jacobs. Thanks everyone!
  5. I would. The mother of one of my friends attended The London School of Economics with Mick, way back in the day. Apparently they went to lunch several times a week. It's really funny to ask her if she was dating Mick, because she adamantly denies any such action. I don't think she's being 100% honest; I'm pretty sure there was some hanky panky going on. At least, that's what I want to think, just so I can know someone who at least felt up Baby Jagger.
  6. I agree whole-heartedly. We kept referring to Pat as Baby Townsend and Baby Jagger during the last tour because of his busted-out stage movez.
  7. Aw, that's so sweet! Happy birthday Alissa!
  8. I don't know, but they're gonna have a rockin' time at prom tonight! (Couldn't help it, even though they all look quite fetching.)
  9. Sending my thoughts and love to you and your family, Gary. I'm so sorry.
  10. No way! The cowlick curls are hot. I think I'm so gung-ho about this thread because it feels like, by keeping it going, we're keeping a bit of Natalie with us. I don't have anyone pretty to post right now. I do have a SAB, courtesy of one of my best friends. She was in the front row during her first Wilco show about five years ago. Partway through the show, one of her friends commented that Glenn looks like Ted Wass, who played the dad on "Blossom". To this day, we still refer to him as "Blossom's Dad". Blossom's Dad: Glenn:
  11. Thanks for the update, Mel. This news is just sickening. So completely and utterly senseless. Ever since Natalie passed, I have seen more Flying Spaghetti Monsters than I've ever seen in my life. They seem to be everywhere all of a sudden. Makes me miss her a lot.
  12. One of my favorite things at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was seeing his big white suit. That gave me an unexpected thrill. David's hot, and he's technically old enough to be my daddy, had he fathered a child when he was 20, so that's cool.
  13. Rosie, you just made me feel so old that I've totally lost my mojo.
  14. Use it to your advantage! Here, I'll help:
  15. Thanks Kate. I need to change my pants now.
  16. The possibility of outgrowing out rock star boyfriends is a regular topic of conversation among my friends. The youngest in the group is 29. We've decided that outgrowing them is highly overrated. I'm all about Ness' voice. And those tattoos. And the pompadour. And his cover of "Tainted Love". *hic* My kid has discovered "Seven Nation Army", which has been on constant rotation in my car for a week, with occasional forays into "Black Math". I really hope she doesn't outgrow this for awhile, because I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Thank cod the kid hasn't discovered The Wiggles! I te
  17. I almost went that route and used this one: As much as I enjoy him being a badass, I really love his gray-haired, elder statesman of punk image, too. I just sucked my breath in so hard I'm pretty sure I'm going to get the hiccups.
  18. I think I need to head to Carbondale... I'm feeling a little hardcore today.
  19. Happy birthday! Here's to mountains of ginger gummy bears, banana Laffy Taffy, and the beginning of a wonderful new year in your life.
  20. Every time I glance at this thread, my mind reads it as "Jerry Lewis has a new album coming out!". And I wonder, "Why the hell am I supposed to be excited? Oh, wait. I've momentarily forgotten how to read. Again. Damn."
  21. Yeah, it'll be a long time before I take my kid to a GA show. Taking more than one kid per adult? That's pretty rude, because there's no way to keep them all wrangled and entertained. It's also unsafe for the kids, which should be the parents' top priority. Ten years ago I was on the lawn at Lilith Fair. There was a woman next to us with a six-year-old, and that kid had a blast. They were there all day, and she was so well-behaved and had so much fun. The next year, we sat next to a couple with two kids who couldn't have been more than eight at an R.E.M. show (Wilco opened!). They, too, wer
  22. I changed my mind about marriage. I used to have feelings similar to the ones mentioned above. Now I believe that a marriage is whatever the people involved make it.
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