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Everything posted by poppydawn

  1. He writes the "Pop Life" column in every issue, which is always smart and funny. In the last issue (not the one with Johnny Depp on the cover; the one before that) he had a feature article about a hair metal festival in Oklahoma called Rocklahoma. It was funny, but he also dealt with these washed-up musicians with a lot of dignity and respect. If you ever watch any of the VH1 "I Love the ___'s" or "100 Greatest..." shows, you might have seen him doing commentary.
  2. They just marked them down to $25 last week. It's fab! I have a hard time pulling myself away from it.
  3. I really liked this one. I've always liked Rob Sheffield's stuff in Rolling Stone, and I was thrilled to see that he could carry a full book. Last week I got the CD-ROM set with every issue of Rolling Stone from the first 40 years. I keep looking up his pieces. He's just an enjoyable writer.
  4. Paul, looking less Blunty: And since I'm back on the hot topic: And since Elixir Sue's put this boy on my mind lately:
  5. January 26th is a pretty awesome day. Two of my favorite VCers share a birthday with one of my dead cousins and a good friend. Donna and Christine, you were two of the first people who made me feel like a part of the VC community. I'm still kicking myself for missing the opportunity to meet both of you last fall! Thanks for making this such a great place.
  6. I'm reading "U2 at the End of the World" by Bill Flannigan. The rock bio phase continues.
  7. Yuck. And it's just poor planning. The toilet is right there! You probably walk past it on the way to the shower. Is life really so hectic that we can't take a moment to stop and pee on the pot?
  8. Happy birthday Christy! I hope you had a lovely day.
  9. Want me to send you a pink cupcake with a dinosaur on it to cheer you up?
  10. Well you wish upon a star that turns into a plane And I guess that's right on par Who's left to blame? If you were a pill I'd take a handful at my will And I'd knock you back with something sweet and strong Plenty of times you wake up in February make-up Like the moon and the morning star you're gone Tonight makes love to all your kind Tomorrow's makin' Valentines Hey you pop up in this old place So sick and so refined (divine?) Are you strung out on some face? Well I know it ain't mine If you were a pill, I'd take a handful at my will, And I'd knock you back with something sweet and s
  11. Oh, I have a much great appreciation for Jay now than I did back in the day. He's definitely a wonderful lyricist. As for the triteness, I think it's worth remembering that he was pretty young when he was with Uncle Tupelo. That first Son Volt album is pure poetry. This was really brought home to me a few weeks ago. I read "Tear-Stained Eye" at the memorial Kate and I did for Natalie, and was struck all over again by what a beautiful, haunting, evocative song it is. Even without music, it stands on its own. I'm currently reading "U2 at the End of the World" by Mark Flannigan, and there was
  12. I've never been a fan of Valentine's Day, and now it really gets overlooked because my daughter's birthday is Feb. 15th. Our Valentine's Day plans this year involve trying to figure out how to throw a fourth birthday party that doesn't automatically have a Valentine's Day theme, especially when the guest of honor wants pink cupcakes. I think we'll put plastic dinosaurs on them. I'm a huge help, I know.
  13. Columbia's changed drastically since I left in '99. Even with somewhat regular visits, the changes are striking. Shakespeares and the Blue Note have barely changed, though. I think ZBT closed when I lived in Columbia. I dated a few frat boys in my time, so I can't cast stones.
  14. Yes, but at the time I was a 19-year-old punkass who was more interested in drunkenly pogoing than appreciating lyrcial content.
  15. I saw that, too, and it pissed me off. What a selfish thing to think! That should have been a huge flashing red light. I became less okay with dying after I had a kid, because being there for her is much more important than the "immortality" that comes with reproducing, and I doubt if I'm in the minority on that front. Granted, I don't know the context in which he made those comments. It would be interesting to know what question was asked that led him to make those comments.
  16. That location was eventually turned into a strip club. I still occasionally make the trip to Columbia to see shows at the Blue Note. It remains one of my all-time favorite venues. I could always use some Shakespeares! The day after I got out of the hospital after having my daughter, one of my Columbia friends made the trip to St. Louis to meet my kiddo. I vaguely recall a phone call before she hit the road, asking if we needed anything. "Large veggie on whole wheat!" Two hours later, she showed up with enough Shakespeares - fresh and frozen - to keep us fed for the first week of my kid
  17. Toxicology reports usually take a few weeks. That would show what caused an overdose. The autopsy just rules out obvious physical causes of death, like stroke, heart attack, blood clots, etc. I read something last night that the pills found were both prescription and non-prescription sleeping pills, and that combining the two can cause an accidental overdose fairly easily.
  18. I remember the first time I ever heard of Uncle Tupelo. It was fall, 1991, and I was a freshman at the University of Missouri - Columbia. A friend of mine told me another friend was taking him to see this band that was supposed to be country and how he "hates that country shit". That stuck in my mind, and I made a point of paying attention to them. Sadly, I really took those shows for granted, so my memories of them aren't that clear. In Columbia they were considered just a small, "local" band who played at the bars and frat parties. The fact that they were getting all sorts of outside accl
  19. Non-famous people who don't have all of the privileges luxury affords. It's all pretty sickening. Didn't he have a young child?
  20. My ma's coming to visit tomorrow, and I intend to put her sewing skills to work on these curtains. I'm not going to be content until I pawn this job off to someone else.
  21. My mom has been swearing by this. It's helped her through a couple of nasty colds this winter. Clara Jane's congested, and I totally forgot to try this last night. I wonder if my hippie-dippie all-natural version of VapoRub will do the same thing. I hope Grace is feeling better quick!
  22. We watched that during playdate today while the kids trashed my house. What am I watching? All History Channel, all the time.
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