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Everything posted by ction

  1. Now I'm afraid if I go to take a wiz I'll miss my request!
  2. Dear Peel - Could you please pass along a request for something off the "Boston Not LA" comp (perhaps The Freeze)? You pal, ction
  3. Were you two able to see each other again without openly weeping over what could have been?
  4. I thought so. It's good to know that each side, regardless of ideaology, just wants to make everyone else just like them. Hey...I have a pet peeve!
  5. I wonder if wacky conservatives view gay marriage in the same light as wacky liberals view Hummers.
  6. Did she turn a blind eye towards the murder of millions of innocent people in exchange for pastry too?
  7. What are those two Pac Mans doing to each other?
  8. There's a separate wing in hell reserved for that strudel eating piece of shit.
  9. New Lucero album. I bet you'd really like it, too.
  10. I stand by my statement. I also hate Hitler apologists and most of the German characters on Hogan's Heroes.
  11. Hitler really bothers me.
  12. Jay's voice is starting to bother me. I don't notice it on the Tupelo stuff or early Son Volt, but I do on his newer stuff.
  13. Either dump the Hot Water Music album or buy another Nano and tape the two of them together.
  14. Is it possible that you have 40-ish video files in iTunes and don't have a video iPod?
  15. Just curious - do you hate the Irish? Why no Pogues?
  16. P.S. The lack of Hot Snakes albums on that list is boderline criminal. Automatic Midnight, Suicide Invoice, and Audit in Progress need to be added, STAT.
  17. ction

    Top 5

    1. "Sally Maclennane" 2. "Boys From the County Hell" 3. "If I Should Fall From Grace..." 4. "Broad Majestic Shannon" 5. "Streams of Whiskey"
  18. I'm guessing you forgot to include Wilco.
  19. In light of this new information, Ryan Adams can make as many albums as he wants to this year.
  20. To be 100% honest, I don't really care all that much about El Famous' birthday...I just wanted to start a thread to post that RFTC live clip.
  21. Please tell me this really exists and isn't just an example you made up.
  22. I hate to harsh your buzz, bro, but someone is talking about trading live Wilco shows in the wrong forum. Go get 'em, tiger!
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