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Everything posted by ction

  1. My kid was watching PBS Kids Sprout last night, and for some reason I was paying attention and noticed that the host was different. I asked the boy what happened to the broad who used to host the shows, and he said he didn't know. He figured she was on vacation. My wife wondered where she was too. This morning, my wife found out where she was: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6072400931.html I need to find these PSA's on youtube, STAT.
  2. I met Chief Justice Warren Burger in 1980 and he seemed like kind of a jerk.
  3. Maybe on a day that isn't my Monday.
  4. He will produce no pics, because he's a goddamn liar.
  5. fuck you asshole, I'm just about something something...
  6. I don't get it...they don't sell pizza by the pound.
  7. I think I'm going to get two slices of pizza for lunch today.
  8. The salmon was just ok tonight. The boy liked it though, as he almost ate an 8 oz piece by himself. The baby ate slop and seemed to like his meal better than all of us.
  9. I doubt there will ever be a universally standard music format. Until we can just download stuff directly into our brains.
  10. I'm not sure. I was fat before I ate the sandwich and I'm still going to be fat tomorrow. I'm going to call it a draw.
  11. Imagine if the high chair had wheels. And a Hemi.
  12. I'm pretty sure the food I ate at lunch is passing through my digestive tract. I'll let you know as I get more information.
  13. I wasn't paying attention (I tend to skim most of your posts anyway)...yeah, the soy sause and montreal steak are both pre-grilling options. If I was having a burger tonight, I'd smother that sumbitch in Masterpiece BBQ sauce and sliced havarti.
  14. I'd much rather have baked redskin potatos, but that's an awful lot of work. I'm wondering if I could deep fry the salmon...
  15. 6:30. How about a nice bottle of Chianti and a box of Zingers? Chicken, veal or eggplant?
  16. I know you were talking about moving a while ago, but if you're someplace you plan to stay awhile, hook your grill up to the natural gas line in your house. Total pimpage. Unless, of course, you don't have natural gas...then I should just fuck off.
  17. Hamburgers are a great choice! Do you have a gas grill or old fashioned charcoal?
  18. Instead of attempting to derail my thread where we all share what we're having for dinner, maybe you could participate. What are you having for dinner tonight, Jessica? Might I suggest chicken quesodillas?
  19. You have a point. And I guess food poisoning could still be brewing. But I think it's all going to work out. P.S. The deli-sliced havarti makes all the difference when creating a sandwich.
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