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Everything posted by ction

  1. Btw, thanks again for that ysi of the new Cult album!
  2. The fact that he releases relatively unpopular music is irrelevant. He's not arguing that in a perfect world his artists should sell millions of albums - he's asking the couple thousand people who are interested in the bands to maybe buy the records instead of stealing them so he can continue to put out records that appeal to a couple thousand people. Or something...I haven't actually read his blog post since I posted the link a couple of months ago. P.S. If anyone has access to Oink, could they see how many people have downloaded the Tim Barry solo album?
  3. I think I understand your overall position - that you are entitled by birth to download other people's music for free and that they should just learn to at least accept it, if not thank you for it like they should because you are in fact helping them. That I've got. Then there's the apples, which is where you lose me...mostly because you use metric money and I have no idea what that equals. My position is that maybe, I don't know, you could read the first hand account of a guy who claims to be negatively impacted by illegal music downloading. Which you semi-kinda quoted and responded to
  4. The underlined word above - in the post you quoted - is a link. To a post (by me), containing another link to a blog post by Virgil of Suburban Home Records. Detailing how his small label is harmed by illegal music downloads. You could read that if you wanted to, or you could continue to write strange fiction about guys selling apples.
  5. I still can't figure out how any of this relates to the blog entry by Virgil (Suburban Home Records) describing in detail how illegal downloading is hurting his bands and label. Please try another analogy.
  6. Paulaner Pilsner is really, really good. It is also almost $10 a six pack at the local beverage hut. They also make a really good lager and it also costs too much. Pilsner Urquell (Czech) is the original pilsner and is also quite good (and much less expensive). I'm aslo quite partial to Boddingtons, Guinness, Sam Adams, Harp, and many others. I can't stand Newcastle. At all.
  7. Not exactly what you're describing, but William Elliott Whitmore is amazing.
  8. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about now. But I already know that I'm going to disagree when I figure it out.
  9. I'm probably just reading your post incorrectly, but huh? If you don't spend a lot of money promoting a band then all money you do end up getting from cd sales is pure profit? Is this a special deal bands and labels work out with studios and pressing plants before hand?
  10. I hope I never get hit by a car in NJ (if the SOP there is to rush the victim to Baltimore).
  11. So, wait...me ripping an mp3 from a CD I purchased is music theft? Awesome.
  12. It was pretty funny. And I don't usually go out of my way to praise A-man (because he hates me with the fire of a billion suns, and that hurts me).
  13. I'm baffled by Sir Stewart's lack of cable (and NESN), not yours. No need to get your rabbit ears in a tangle.
  14. But that's like 6 channels, maybe 7 tops. If Sir Stewart doesn't have cable, then how does he watch NESN? I'm seriously baffled here. P.S. When I lived in Boston (a long time ago, mind you) cable was not an option in the Back Bay area. Or at least that was BU's party line. Anyway, I did the non-cable thing for 4 years and it pretty much blew.
  15. You people don't have cable? How do you watch shows on cable? I don't understand how this happens.
  16. That would be pretty damn awesome.
  17. He just needs to shag some more fly balls and learn how to slide into home feet first.
  18. Yeah, I don't know about baseball (I watch Red Sox games during the season and don't have a radio alternative), but for Redskins games the delay in unbearable. Plus those guys aren't much less annoying, really.
  19. I wish all sports broadcasts came with the option of accessing an alternate audio channel which only carried sounds from the on-field microphones and stadium PA. It would be so great to not have to hear the booth guys running their mouths for 3 hours.
  20. I wish the entire post season was going to be on TBS (I'm assuming Fox is still scheduled to ruin the championship series and WS). The broadcast was relatively low-key and complimented the game, as opposed to the Buck/McCarver close-up-on-each-manager-between-every-pitch wankathon.
  21. I definitely prefer the first DKM album (with Mike on vocals) to the later ones.
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