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Everything posted by ction

  1. What if I posted an animated .gif of a toy monkey playing the cymbals (and having sex)?
  2. I think my line in the random thing is better.
  3. "I've Just Seen a Face" was technically my original one, even though I actually misspelled "For No One."
  4. I'm going to investigate this matter when I get home, but I'd like to announce now that I'm gonna be pissed if the video is all stop-motion Lego.
  5. I should point out that "I Feel Fine" is actually the best Beatles song.
  6. Jeff Tweedy is in Wilco with Nels Cline. Nels Cline played wanky guitar in something with Mike Watt. Mike Watt dated (maybe was married? I dunno) Kira, who played in Black Flag with Henry Rollins. Henry Rollins growled on a live Misfits record with Glenn Danzig, who was in Samhain with Steve Zing. Next.
  7. You spelled "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away", "She Said, She Said" and "And Your Bird Can Sing" wrong.
  8. "I've Just Seen a Face" is the best Beatles song.
  9. I just read parts of the last page and a half of this thread, and must have missed the link to the first chapter of a book that would clearly summarize one side of whatever argument is currently going on. Could someone repost said link?
  10. J Church - "Bomb/Sacrifice". On the original 7" it plays as one track, on cd it's split into two...you can't listen to only one half.
  11. This thread has been sullied.
  12. Don't blame the furniture for yr lack of flexibility.
  13. It takes 250 muscles to frown, but only 15 to drop a routine fly ball.
  14. That doesn't go as well with my clever thread title, but sure. Probably. I don't know....I don't even own a spear.
  15. I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Hubert Davis (aka JUDE@).
  16. One more of these little bastards flies by, I'm stabbing it right in its well-intentioned little heart.
  17. That's pretty crazy...because I know a rather handsome and witty alum of Lake Braddock who maybe kinda posts on this board.
  18. WEW was touring with Lucero last year, but dropped off before the east coast. So I got to see Rocky Votolato ( ) instead, just as he was hatching his plan to enslave 3/5 of Drag the River as his backing band. But yeah, a lot of people seem to be getting into Whitmore. Which is great, because he has a voice that deserves to be heard.
  19. William Elliott Whitmore - Song of the Blackbird
  20. I turned off the game last night and let my wife watch Last Comic Standing. So it pretty much gets no worse than this. edit: this is Eric Gagne
  21. That Travis guy used to hang out at a coffee shop in Fairfax that me and my buddy Jeff used to frequent. Jeff kinda knew him a little bit from hanging out there, and I kinda remember talking to him a few times. He seemed like a nice enough guy, and was real excited about the band. This was right as they were starting, and a few months later I recognized the band name as I saw their first 7" in a local store. I bought it, and I doubt I've listened to it more than 5 times. A lot of people whose opinions I respect really like them, but I still only have that one record. I only remember a
  22. here's half of the vibes I was going to give to Perm.
  23. Btw, and I hope this goes without saying, I'm certainly down for doing full-frontal assuming you keep it classy. Have your people call my people (his name is Oscar).
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