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Everything posted by VenusStopsTrain2

  1. Well I have to be honest whenever I'm in Chicago I go out of my way to eat at P.F. Changs...it's probably my favourite all time restaurant!
  2. Decided to keep watching Friday Night Lights...they must really like Wilco...now they are playing Sky Blue Sky.
  3. Ok this isn't quite out and about..but I just heard Either Way on Friday Night Lights at the beginning of the episode..mind you I normally don't watch the show..but was flipping and there it was!
  4. Louie are you going to pay for everyone to eat at one of those noodle places? lol It sounds really good...and I'm hungry.
  5. That does look like a great recommendation for a hotel! I've been looking for somewhere to stay as well and that one is affordable and appears clean and definately close to the Riv.
  6. Happy Birthday Nels! Hope you had a wonderful day!
  7. I decided after all this mess with scalpers and seeing how many of us were unable to get tickets I would email those in charge, cause let's face it, we may complain but unless we say something to those in charge, things are NOT going to change. So I emailed the following and you can choose to email them as well. info@highroadtouring.com - High Road Touring Co. info@tmmchi.com - Tony Margherita Management Co. I emailed both the same courteous well thought out email. I say courteous because I'd much rather sound nice then mean. I even talked about a solution to the issue with ticketma
  8. Have to say..I found it interesting how hard it was to get tickets...during the pre-sales and the actual sale this morning. I am upset as to how many tickets are on ebay....oh thanks so much all you crazy brokers who jacked up prices and make it hard for all of us who have other bills to pay and want to badly go to a show as difficult as possible. Really really appreciate it. Although, I guess I shouldn't be surprised after all, they have been talking about this on Sound Opinions for a few weeks now. by the way..can't someone make all the Riviera topics into one..seems a bit silly to h
  9. I'm mostly interested in ANY night...I don't really care at this point. As I said elsewhere, I tried for over an hour today to get Saturday...I also tried for Friday with no luck. When are we going to start a fire to keep warm out here?
  10. I tried for an hour at the library...got cut off due to the time limit allowed there...then tried at work and couldn't get them there either. I just wanted tickets for Saturday night. I want one, I tried going for 2 or 3 as well but nothing worked. I'm so frustrated. GRRR. And tomorrow I have to work at 10 am so I doubt I will be able to get a Sat night ticket when I get home from work.
  11. So can someone tell me, how does the password bit work. I've never bought pre-sale tix on ticketmaster before. I take it you just go to Wilco and there will be somewhere to enter the password? And that will get you to the page to actually purchase tickets right? Thanks in advance.
  12. Well now we know the opener..that was quick! It's John Doe. Anyone know anything about him? I found stuff on wikipedia...but that doesn't tell me if I'll enjoy his music. I'm excited about 2moro though, going to try and get a few days of the Chicago residency.
  13. I definately wouldn't mind that! Guess we'll have to wait and see when the tickets come to see what everyone else's look like. Any ideas if there is an opening act? Last time I was at a show they had Low open and they had some really bright neon lights..in my eyes...their entire opening act. I wouldn't mind someone I could dance to....
  14. Pretty much ALL the shows went on pre-sale today. Don't know why they did that. Would have been nice to have more time to save up for the Chicago residency. Now I have to wait and see how much I will have after my paycheck is disbursed on Friday for other bills first!
  15. Hey there! Luckily I was able to take my small break at work today and use the net to get my pre-sale tickets for Des Moines. Just wondering who all was planning on going to this? Am seriously bummed about the GA but guess we'll all have a party outside pre-show while we wait when we get there early to claim our places to stand.
  16. Why is the New Haven show so popular? Everyone seems to want tickets for it, so I'm wondering. I got my pre-sale tickets no problem today for the Des Moines show. The only bummer about that show is that its GA and that means I still have to show up at least an hour early if not earlier to get a decent place to stand since I'm short. Cause let's face it, there's nothing like a great show spent standing behind some tall guy. No offense to the lovely tall people! I'm hoping to get some Chicago tix on Friday at the other pre-sale but we'll see. I'm not sure how many shows I'll be able to
  17. You realise you just wrote you live there and now all of us want to come stay with you for the whole time right? lol Although if I end up purchasing tickets for the whole thing I would seriously welcome somewhere to stay. I'm from the Quad Cities and that's too far to drive back and forth to. Am quite willing to work a deal out with someone for staying over. And whoever said there were too many dates coming out at the same time is right. I'm hoping to get tickets for Des Moines tomorrow morning as well! I may just have to become a part of their touring company or something.
  18. If you are still looking for the Adler show in audio, you can email the guy who posted it up in BitTorrent. That's how I got a copy of it . Even though the actual bit torrent doesn't work his email is listed on there. Hope that helps!
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