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Everything posted by VenusStopsTrain2

  1. yes they just started playing outtamind outtasite
  2. i got it okay and i'm all excited to be home and hearing it live!
  3. I don't own it but I just borrowed it from a friend, and read the whole thing. There was a wonderful amount of information about the songs/albums in it. I may have to get a copy just for that!
  4. I spotted my friend Sarah right off in photo 4..she's wearing a white shirt..i'm standing in front of her facing left talking to another person.
  5. I still say that there was some guy video'ing on Saturday night on the left side of the stage (on stage)...any ideas on who that was?
  6. I totally am appreciating Samorama now...I love looking at the photos! Try to get some of Glenny please?!
  7. My vote has to go to Franklin Roosevelt...let's face it after he cheated on his wife and she lived separately....he was busy with being in politics..but then he ended up in a wheelchair..he had to be bored..and hungry..with lack of something to fill his free time he learned to cook...and cook well he did...Chili was his first love...it takes in his creative skill! Go Roosevelt.
  8. Lol that was probably one of my top 3 favourite lines he said that night!! Thanks~!
  9. I was mad at myself I KNOW how they are set up and yet I walked to the right side to stand and so barely saw Pat...I was soo excited everytime I could see him I was yelling at my friend that I could see him...Speakers should be attached to the ceiling or something so we can all see Pat...lol
  10. I was on the right..and had no idea anything happened til Jeff said something. Have to say good job whatever you did...cause last June at the Adler with Wilco there was a fight and security...well it was like they didnt exist and Jeff was up there calling for them and the whole band walked over to that side of the stage to see if anyone was going to stop it...it's why we ended up with only 1 encore which was a total bummer. So noone got hurt obviously?
  11. Okay here are all of them in order.They even all have Tags ...Let me know if the link doesn't work.
  12. I took photos and managed to get video of one song although I'm in no way guaranteeing quality as some tall girl was in front of me and she kept moving her head...GRR...I decided I may need to make a portable step stool for concerts I'll post the link when I get the photos up. The show rocked..and I can't wait to see them again in a month!
  13. Oh i'm so mad...they played ELT and Shot in the Arm...2 of my absolute favorites!!!
  14. OHHH sorry...lol well looks like she has some competition.
  15. lol ooo those are fightin' words them are! yeah..aren't you a girl?
  16. To add photos is to explain...so last week was all 3 of our birthdays...in order 3rd was my friend Sarah, who I have talked into coming along with me to the Riv on Sat night mine on the 5th and then Maria's on the 7th. So these are from the 2 nights we had dinners to celebrate. Maria (on left) and myself at Panera Bread Myself and Sarah at my house in the middle of playing domino's
  17. I haven't even packed yet..we are driving up 2moro morning. OO and we are supposed to have a freezing rain storm here (in my area) on Saturday night..so we might end up hanging out on Sunday night with people playing Guitar Hero
  18. You may want to check this out: A long-time XRT Listener favorite, the Friday Feature takes an artist or theme and turns on the spotlight. Whether it's Springsteen, DMB, "Indiana Johns" or "Not By the Original Artists," XRT's Friday Feature is like a rock 'n' roll box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get. Friday, February 15th: Wilco & Nirvana Yup that's today..so you might want to check it out, you can listen online
  19. I have to admit the only thing this song makes me think of is that VW advert that plays this song.
  20. Awww...I like that Glenny photo..quit pointing things out like that! lol
  21. I especially love that 'THANKYOUGOODNIGHT!" part!!
  22. You realise you just gave some people all the MORE reason to find the loft...if only to be lucky enough to spot Jeff that way?
  23. Well I hope whoever it is says too..that way we can have a party in their room....just messin!
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