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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Yeah, these petitions are meaningless. It takes pretty much zero effort to sign one, and it's just people venting because they're upset about how the election turned out. If someone had drawn up one of these in 2004, I likely would have signed it.
  2. I tried to get into Boardwalk Empire, but (despite Steve Buscemi) I couldn't really enjoy it. Good show, well acted, but it still didn't make me want to watch it more. I guess the base story just seems boring to me. Homeland is fantastic, though. Some of the best actors working on that show, from top to bottom. Very realistic plot lines, very relevant stories. My biggest concern is that the production team is from "24" so I fear (and yet expect) it to dive into silliness... but it hasn't yet, so I'm enjoying the ride for now.
  3. If the GOP introduces (or strongly supports) immigration reform which decriminalizes current illegals, that will go a long way. For those who are just here to work their asses off, just allow them to do that. Give them a path to citizenship if they want it. If they don't, allow them to work here under dignity. Pretty simple TBH.
  4. OCB's post over in the Westerberg thread reminded me that I forgot to include Come Feel Me Tremble (about Westerberg, obvs.). So disappointed in myself...
  5. Color Me Obsessed (Replacements) We Jam Econo (Minutemen) Loud Quiet Loud (Pixies) Dreaming in America (Lucero)
  6. Sparky probably shot out his TV last night when it became apparent that one of the two clones was going to win.
  7. Still waiting for the FL results to become official so Silver can put up the "I got it right again, bitches!!!!" post that he's so eagerly anticipating...
  8. A rare election where I think I might be happy all around.
  9. Trump should be brought up on charges of treason, that fucker. The black guy won again, asshole. Deal with it. Really enjoying watching Fox News tonight. They're crying like petulant kids. The best was when St Rove was challenging their stats guy. That's what you call class, folks. Nate Silver is on his way to 50/50. If that happens, he will become a legend.
  10. I enjoy flipping between MSNBC, CNN & FOX News to see how the same info is twisted and analyzed. But to be completely honest, I have an inner-lesbian-crush on Rachel Maddow, so I tend to linger there.
  11. Though I must admit that I was tempted to vote for Roseanne
  12. I have Obama 303-235 or 285-253, depending on Ohio. I don't see how Romney can win this thing unless all the polling is way off.
  13. This is kinda cool... real time voting as seen by FB
  14. took me 5 whole minutes this morning in my sleepy CA suburb. feel sorry for you swing state folks.
  15. Brokaw was recently talking about this -- how ugly things were in the 19th century -- and he suggested that our increased means of communication (cable TV, social media, blogs, etc.) are actually drawing us back to those days because so much is being said without the filter of journalism. Blogs are the new propaganda leaflets, where any wild anonymous claim can be made without repercussions.
  16. Thankfully, we'll know definitively soon enough. Hopefully by tomorrow night. By the way, Obama has this thing locked up.
  17. Yeah, unless it's a surprise "landslide" popular vote like 54-46, I think both sides will cry foul somewhere and claim the other guy didn't really win. And regardless, the partisan bickering will still be there no matter what. The only difference is that on Weds we won't have robo calls and tv/radio ads all over the place amplifying it.
  18. I don't think Romney personally is dangerous, nor would I call him a psychopath. I'd say he's a highly opportunistic politician who's shown a willingness to take whatever position is necessary to get him the results he wants. I don't know what he truly believes in, nor what he would actually do if elected. That's concerning to me. Maybe we have different definitions for what constitutes psychopathic behavior... but for me, calling Romney that is over the top. On a different note, this is a great read regardless of who you're planning to vote for tomorrow: http://www.nytimes.com/2012
  19. Lucero - Women & Work Diamond Rugs - s/t Jason Molina - Autumn Bird Songs New Multitudes - s/t Delta Spirit - s/t Still listening to Lucero & Diamond Rugs on a regular basis. I was initially disappointed with the Delta Spirit album, but it's recently caught my ear a little better and I enjoy most of it very much. Molina's "album" really is just a demo session from before he entered rehab a few years ago, but it's brilliant at times.
  20. Good post. I also find myself "rooting" during election season as if it was sport. But I also agree that the manner in which campaigns are run -- intentionally misleading voters, demagoguery, extreme rhetoric, etc. -- is harmful to our nation and only divides us more. Unfortunately, I don't see that ever changing and will only likely get worse. As for Romney, circa 2008 I used to think he'd be an ok president. Not that I would ever vote for him, but I considered him to be a mostly reasonable moderate. But the way he evolved (devolved) in the GOP primaries, remained that way for most of
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