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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. That's what I liked the most about that documentary -- seeing him being a (somewhat) normal guy working out songs in his basement and prepping for shows vs the guy up on stage. Such a shame that he seems to no longer want to do any of that, but I respect his decision to focus on being a good dad.
  2. P90X. He's one of that group of congressmen who got hooked on it. Good for him. The Ryan pick will certainly keep the conservative base happy, but I'm not sure if he's going to attract independents in large numbers, especially once people learn of his policy positions -- stuff like how social security & Medicare should be privatized, among others. Policy-wise, he's textbook ultra-right wing. In many ways, I see this as better for Ryan's future than Romney's. It certainly gives the 42 year old a ton of national exposure & experience dealing with the media. And unlike Palin, I thin
  3. CFMT on YT = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IicroQk0mYE
  4. I'm really curious if anyone here will vote for Romney because of the Ryan VP pick. Dreamy blue eyes aside, it seems to me to be just something to make the conservative base happy.
  5. It's mostly just a gesture that the candidate has nothing to hide about his wealth and where it comes from. Yes, started with Romney's dad and is very common now. It even goes down to mayoral candidates in some larger cities (Gavin Newsome released 5 years of returns when he ran for SF mayor). The fact that Romney is refusing is being taken that the "nothing to hide" bit might not be the case for him.
  6. It is keeping it in the news, yes, but most of what I see is directed at Reid.
  7. It wasn't just a cheap shot, it was mind-numbingly stupid. Harry Reid sticking his nose into the controversy was the biggest gift anyone could have given to Romney. Now it's all about Reid naming his "source" and releasing his own returns. People will get tired of hearing about it, especially now that it's a squabble between the Romney campaign and Reid's office, and soon this will all go away. But yeah, I agree that the longer they hold out the more it's looking like there's something there that the Romney campaign is afraid of getting out.
  8. If TWL hadn't come out, I'd be a lot more on board with the opinion that this band is in decline. I instead consider them to be a great band that had two not-great albums but rebounded with a great one. Is TWL as great as the others? I think that's personal preference, but I think it's right up there.
  9. You need to go sit in a dark room and think about your misguided opinion, young/old man!
  10. That confrontation scene could not have been better. Walt bullies her into admitting that she's inferior to him, she retaliates with a not so subtle reminder that he's already a dead man. That and the pool scene makes this my favorite of the season so far.
  11. That was an insane ending! Congrats to Team USA. Of course, they had no business getting that penalty shot to tie the game 3-3. That ref was horrid.
  12. Wow, couldn't disagree more with the above. TWL is Wilco returning to the level that they were prior to SBS and WTA, in my opinion.
  13. I was late to the Wilco game and SBS was the first "new" Wilco album for me. Loved it. That said, it's TWL by a mile and a half.
  14. Recently found out that Skrillex guy went to my (white, middle/upper class, Jesuit-run) high school. I had to look him up to understand why everyone was so shocked.
  15. Couldn't agree more. I'd absolutely hate to have my kids sent away to war -- especially a war I didn't agree with -- and that's the point. Right now, the vast majority of us aren't affected by our military endeavors at all. So even if we disagree with what's going on, we don't personally have anything to lose so what's the big deal?
  16. http://theoatmeal.com/comics/breaking_bad_hair?god_dammit_marie
  17. yeah, I think was just in a grumpy mood earlier. I blame McCartney In retrospect, I suppose I liked it well enough. I literally LOL'd at the NHS tribute, as it's also a favorite whipping boy here in the US. I actually thought it was directed at us; had no idea until this morning that it's also been a target of conservatives over there. Mr. Bean was special for us because it was a non-stop giggle fest for my kids. I don't think they've ever seen him before.
  18. Jesus Christ, weren't we just complaining about how people took Obama's comments about small businesses out of context to completely misrepresent the point of what he was saying?
  19. Mr. Bean was fun. The rest was meh.
  20. And the Right is never divisive at all. : I suppose I can see how saying that the top 1-2% of Americans should pay a little more taxes might be viewed as divisive, but it doesn't really bother me one bit. It's the right thing to do.
  21. Maddow is about the only political talking head that I can tolerate these days ... and I still more often than not turn her off before the end of her show. But Stephanie Miller is hot and funny, so I suppose she's still got a special place in my heart.
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