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Central Scrutinizer

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Everything posted by Central Scrutinizer

  1. I think it's very cool that not only are they doing an acoustic set, at least from the first show, it appears they're playing songs that take them completely out of their electric element. Sort of YHF in reverse.
  2. That is a great report, and the previous blurb from the person of being an "Obama Democrat" the way his grandparents were "Roosevelt Democrats." Love him or hate him, Obama was a man of his convictions and, pending the flurry of Republican state lawsuits already mounting, he accomplished this. The Republicans have literally become the "Party of 'No.' " And on the subject of inclusiveness in discussions, there is considerable coverage on how, during their reign on The Hill, of Republican committees meeting without the minority party, changing meetings, denying them voice in proceedings. S
  3. Name two legitimate ones that would cover as many people as the law of the land does. Name minority bills that existed. They'd be a matter of public record. I went over the summit. The only detailed proposal Republicans offered was "let's start over." Democrats do have a voting majority in both houses. But it's been well demonstrated that Republicans are not without recourse against that majority. The Republicans for six years controlled the executive, legislative and judicial branches (as well as the concessions on the Patriot Act). What got accomplished? Oh yeah, we got a war and the fir
  4. But I would also be the first to say that Nixon did some significant things in office. And in his later years he became a statesman.
  5. I don't know how you could say this any better. And that this is true is pointless in the current climate. The coverage, debates, media attention has made no difference because it has never been about the details. It's been people lashing out with fear -- either of what they don't know or don't want to know; or hope for what might be, but no faith in government to approach it pragmatically and not just to "be right" but to do what is right. Honestly, the only alternative solution presented was to do nothing. That obviously hasn't been working.
  6. Any legislative bill has an "executive summary," if you will, which details what the bill covers and main issues it addresses. It would certainly be available through the Federal Register. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/
  7. There were options. But where was the right, the tea-baggers -- ANYONE ELSE -- to come up with alternatives. To come up with a minority bill that could be used against Obama's health care bill to reach a workable compromise. No where. There was no alternative to a problem that has gone unfettered for decades. Each time there's an attempt to create a solution, the only answer is to destroy, decry, lie and denounce. And the problem gets worse. In the VC over the past few years, there were previous debates that covered conservative options. Moderate republications and conservatives have offered
  8. The bill passed. It is the law of the land. It is better than those who stood by and did nothing, who did everything to stop any effort. It is better than what has been. It is the best option because it is reality.
  9. Yes, they have, and yes they do. In many cases, this is a much easier process than backing up and spinning bogus stories and attacks in order to spread fear among those who would rather stay blissfully -- though frightfully -- ignorant, rather than seeking out information that affects them.
  10. A woman in our office, a devout Glenn Beck follower, found the most horrific crime committed by the health care bill is that she'll have a harder time getting an appointment with her doctor. Just because these *other* people would be covered and have access to her doctor.
  11. Depends on whether you're actually listening. I know there's a majority of federal House districts that spoke for their constituents. There are the millions of phone calls made to representatives in the run up to the vote in favor of it. If you don't want to hear support and only opposition, I'm sure you'll easily find what you're looking for.
  12. Is there a number behind many? I do not argue that there are circumstances in which what you say happens. But it's a self-justified argument. There's not quantifying whether insured do the same thing. And it doesn't allow for the same untold percentage that must rely on health care because of illness, accident or other malady that could not have been covered by preventative care. This is the same self-justifying argument where someone sees a person paying for snacks with food stamps, therefore ALL families using food stamps are corrupt. On the other hand, I can see the single mother working
  13. I am truly sorry to hear about your situation. My question, though, is would you be any better off without the passed health care plan? Would insurance and medical coverage have improved through another 10 years of inaction? With the prospects of status quo, would the U.S. burden have been the same or less for 2010-2011 without the health care bill? With U.S. health care spending already amounting to 16% of our GDP, where were we heading without a health care plan -- which the non-partisan Office of Management and Budget said would save money -- including $1 trillion in the second decade. Wo
  14. No one person is completely happy in a compromise. That does not preclude it from being the best, most workable solution at the time.
  15. Having lived under a rock a good bit, I didn't hear you got married bobbob. Congrats. I know it's sacrilege, but I've never felt compelled to an appearance before St. Paul. I'm sure I'll regret it.
  16. Bobbob -- or anyone -- looking forward to seeing the setlists, to begin picking it apart for clues of what to expect for Savannah!
  17. I've played it on djembe. Oddly enough, it also sounds just like "Indian Love Call."
  18. Thanks for posting that. I wasn't smart enough to seek that out myself, but glad I read it. Wow.
  19. This bears repeating from article: Foxtrot became Wilco's biggest success, selling more than half a million copies and earning critical raves. And Wilco has been under pressure since then, from critics and music fans who expect the group to keep pushing the envelope. Meanwhile, in the years surrounding Foxtrot, Tweedy's migraines, which he'd had since childhood, got so bad he had to keep a bucket offstage so he could throw up between songs. In 2004, he ended up in rehab to kick the painkillers and to deal with the closely related, longtime issues of depression and panic attacks. ``I don'
  20. My god, the second episode was some of the most graphic, intense imagery I've ever seen in my life. I am numb ... and in awe.
  21. Check out Owl and Bear for the AGIB tour companion.
  22. $70 is tickets to two shows. Just saying ...
  23. A good many of the recordings -- especially SBDs -- are recorded at 24 bit.
  24. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I find it hard to get worked up over this. Before I go any farther, let me preface it that I bought Kicking Television and Sky Blue Sky together the same day and listened to them constantly over a week in a rented convertible. It was a re-immersion into Wilco after burning myself out on them. I had never seen them live before, so Kicking Television is a great introduction to the wonders of the new lineup. Since then, having seen them a handful of times, and having listened to dozens of concerts through the benefit of tapers and Wilco themselves (AOAF, 9:30 c
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