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Central Scrutinizer

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Everything posted by Central Scrutinizer

  1. What Wilco fans find funny: Inserting “you highly messed up freak” into a board thread 38%. Anything involving cats 11%. "Rank the Wilco albums" 51%
  2. That's funny, because I was thinking the same thing listening to the webcast (when it wasn't cutting out, including for just about all of the encore). A few of the songs, at least in my mood and hearing, sounded like a band ripping through its greatest hits, ticking them off as they move along. It may have been the mix, or at least my computer speakers, but the keys seem to have more prominence, and Mikael having more room to work within the songs, and Nels' usual prominence reduced. But as NFL coaches say, "I'll have to see the tape to know for sure."
  3. My feed is cutting out a lot. Anyone else having that problem? Trying to remember, do they usually have the webcast available closely after the original time, or do we get what we get? I've been on Firefox. Grr.
  4. I would recommend purchasing from your local independent music store.
  5. When did the collapse happen? Were there economists who didn't believe we were heading towards collapse without some sort of bailout? That seemed one of the rare things anyone could agree on. I may be deluded, but I'm glad we didn't find out no bailout = ?
  6. Poh-TAY-toh, Poh-TAH-toh. I've talked to people who would prefer to go out and get a sandwich when they play Spiders. Go figure. I checked Wilcobase and there's only two references of the band doing Cold Turkey, both in Amsterdam and the last time in 1997. And Tweedy didn't sing it either time.
  7. I think incorporating the broader lineup, but with deeper texture of noise, Tweedy's lead style, exploring the song's riff ala Spiders (Kidsmoke). Like that.
  8. That debate was raised at the beginning the bank bailout, and the automaker bailout. If no bailout = collapse, there needs to be a plan B to the no bailout plan. I think people hoped that Obama would be above the divisiveness. Bush and the neo-cons were going to be above the divisiveness. (Reagan was all about the divisiveness -- j/k). The major stumbling blocks in government right now is one party is refusing to do anything and the other party is fumbling on its own.
  9. As Truman said, the buck stops here. If the activity was going on under the administration's watch, then he is implicitly tied to the act.
  10. That's true, but the underlying problem, to me, comes down to status quo of no regulatory oversight (GOP = good) or protecting people through regulatory oversight (GOP = bad). If we don't fix the problem, $ is the only option. In terms of borrowing money, how did all the $$ Bush borrow finish off the War On Terror? Sorry. You're right. Party shouldn't enter into it. But it appears today one party is getting bashed by a party that is not offering any alternatives, just criticism (true and bogus criticism at that). What is the way out, in your mind?
  11. Not true. In fact he has mused that another infusion will be necessary. On the subject of "borrowing money and not having to work for it," can we consider on whose watch the sub-prime debacle happened. A look at the Dow Jones over the past decade shows a collapse and a rebound to pre-Bush administration levels. Obama is blamed for not sorting out the banks, but first he had to sort out the financial problem. I'm not saying he's better than pre-packaged cheese but don't pin stuff on him that isn't true, and don't lay 41 bodies at his feet whose only sign of life is "no" and then say he is
  12. I meant he has not raised it more than the previous president, which is the complaint. He is blamed for the current deficit which has to date received its largest gains under the Bush administration. Thanks for helping me clarify.
  13. Unrestrained joy is touching. So is respect for a performer and the audience. The cheer from recognition of a song is great. Unfortunately, I think most "woo hoos" are less about expressing joy and more about "hey it's me making noise during a quiet time." All I'm asking is a little restraint until a song is over. Then imbibe in extras "woos" *and* "hoos"
  14. I just find it odd that people can't just shut up when those songs are playing. 184 "Woo-oohs" and "Yeahs" don't deepen the experience.
  15. Wow ... I need to delve into wilcobase! I still like my idea of "I Want You (She's So Heavy) done AGIB-fashion. I may be in the minority, but "Across the Universe" really soured me to Beatles covers.
  16. No, my point is that Obama is painted as already having been responsible for the debt which is flat out untrue but has gained great currency among the GOP. Bush was the first president to go into the till for deficit spending since ... Clinton balanced the budget. Obama went into debt to bail out the banks. What was the alternative? He financed shovel-ready projects to get things moving. Big business is playing tight with the purse strings, so he's likely going to have to go to the till again to create jobs. Meanwhile he's cutting spending, which is something that couldn't be said for the
  17. Fiscal Year 2009 is the last budget under George W. Bush, not the first under Obama.
  18. Without opening a can of worms, we attempt to protect the rights of minorities. Whether they are truly helped or not despite the best of intentions depends on how successfully it can be protected and defended against abuse. And then, it still calls attention to the minority, so it flies in the face of equal treatment. I like the comment about statesmen. I watched a program on that liberal den PBS, where two old pundits from both sides of the aisle said that there was a time when you fought tooth and nail, and afterwards went to dinner and drinks and found common ground.
  19. And that would be the other side of the coin if they stayed. "Cozy incumbents who represent the old way of doing things." I would say it's a gauntlet to anyone, an opportunity. Do better.
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