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About opsopcopolis

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    Grasshopper Greensnake

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  1. just finished up mixing my audience recording with the radio broadcast if anybody is interested:
  2. Had a great time at this set. Glad I decided to make the trip, and was nice to be back at Solid Sound for maybe my 6th time. Having been at 12/12/14, it was kinda funny that a handful of songs were last played on that night (and honestly the main reason I knew some of them.) Electric ELT has been my big white whale for 15 years at this point, so was really great to see that, but I also just love when bands challenge themselves to do something different/difficult, so had a lot of fun in general. Anybody else think the set sounded pretty terrible? At least where I was, it was almost
  3. Kinda depends on the artist and whether they allow recording or not.
  4. I'd doubt the site policies will change, but there's definitely a subset of tapers that will be discouraged from going out to tape, so I'd expect fewer shows to pop up in general... Also Trader's Den is closing
  5. I'm not sure exactly how the financials work with nugs, but I also doubt that audience recordings would really make a dent in official recording sales. Even as a taper I still buy every show I see when the recordings are released. Sadly, taping policies on band websites have generally disappeared. Policies are passed through word of mouth or email with management these days.
  6. Didn't mean to drop that tidbit and disappear... There's been a bunch of discussion about it on a pretty active taper forum. I was specifically told no by Stan in SLC last fall, he said the promoter said no and assumed they'd be putting out recordings of the whole tour because of it (none have come out so far...) Few others were able to get in over the course of that tour so not entirely sure what was going on there. About a month ago somebody reached out to Wilco management and were specifically told taping is no longer allowed. I believe they asked Stan at a show and was told th
  7. We'll have to cross our fingers that it starts to pick up, as they've apparently put the kibosh on audience taping...
  8. Great set last night. I relocated out to SLC a few months ago so it's always fun to see Wilco in a new place. Nice to see a few changes (love the inclusion of ALTWYS.) Was bummed not to get Ashes and haven't seen a setlist but it seemed like they got curfew'd. I enjoyed both Sleater Kinney and Nnamdi and would definitely recommend showing up on time for this tour. Quick note if there are any other tapers on here: I spoke to Stan and he (very apologetically) told me that the promoter told him no taping on this tour. He said his impression was that it was because they're planning on
  9. A Shot in the Arm Random Name Generator At Least That's What You Said Everyone Hides I Am Trying to Break Your Heart Art of Almost If I Ever Was a Child Impossible Germany Love is Everywhere (Beware) Box Full of Letters White Wooden Cross Dawned on Me Jesus Etc. Theologians I'm the Man Who Loves You What Light Heavy Metal Drummer I'm Always in Love California Stars
  10. I'm not aware of anywhere you can stream live Wilco outside of the official Nugs site
  11. They're wide open. There were four of us. Relisten pulls from archive.org's Live Music Archive, and Wilco never agreed to have their shows hosted there.
  12. *Plantations I think. Totally forgot that site existed
  13. My tape of last night (might still be uploading) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fhlco9cfxhzmj78/AADOqa59fMtKWLlb6aaAQPyva?dl=0
  14. Just got word that we should be getting these tapes sometime very soon. They're mixed and ready to go
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