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Everything posted by orchestra

  1. Oh yes! Please. Please please please.
  2. It could have been written during SBS. Or it could be changed radically during recording.
  3. Cool. I wonder what they'll play.
  4. I'm trying to overthrow the bourgeois posters' reign of terror... Viva La Revoluci
  5. Well sure. And I don't think Science should replace Religion. But I was wondering why you need Religion at all for those philosophical questions? I mean, can't you just read... philosophy? Or talk about it with friends? Or just decide what you want to believe on your own? You don't really need the whole mythological side of things, all of the characters and codes of conduct, do you? And if no one can know a definitive objective answer for this kind of stuff then why bother at all? Why not just decide you believe in yourself and your own happiness and that is enough and live your life? I think
  6. I guess I shouldn't question what the mighty forum elders choose to do, considering I haven't spent nearly as much time posting thousands of messages on an internet forum, thereby invalidating my remark. Like you said though, you've been doing it since day one, and far be it from me to ask you about the thousands of times you've been compelled to put your screenname after your message in a post. I was just wondering.
  7. I'm sorry. I meant to say that I like everything you like, especially boring music. Friends?
  8. I love the banter at the end of Ruling Class on that page. Anyone know if that project to create a file of all the Jeff banter available ever went through?
  9. Didn't care much for the cover, and it makes me apathetic in regards to checking out any other music by this band.
  10. Hm. I like Radiohead. And for most people Wilco isn't really party music either. Why do you sign your forum screenname after each post? If I wanted to see who posted the message I just read I could easily look in the appropriate spot, right? And that Justin guy does this too. This sort of bothers me.
  11. I have another. People have said many times in this thread that Science explains the "how" but not the "why". They usually say in the same post that we need Religion for the "why". (As if Science would ever be suggested to solve every problem you have in your own life, and also as if Religion is the only thing you can find strength through belief in or find solace in.) I can't wrap my head around this one. Anyone want to go up to bat for this? Because it seems like a really strange idea to me, or at the very least a weak argument.
  12. Well, that certainly is more words but I'm not sure you actually stated why it is more logical to believe in an intelligent creator besides noting that, yes, we do exist. But why is existence more logical under a creator? Don't you then get wrapped up in the debate of where the creator came from? Can't believe how strange it is to be anything at all. Well, most books make sense as stories. Not sure if many people actually go around saying the Bible doesn't "make sense" except perhaps in its claims over reality and perhaps its problems with internal consistency. But sure, the storylin
  13. Maybe you could flesh our your posts more? I'm not following your train of thought.
  14. What? Atheism, to me, seems a lot more present-oriented than most religions (which are looking towards a judgment that won't happen and/or a second life they shouldn't save their passions for). I'm not sure about Buddhism. Isn't part of that being completely present-oriented? No but why would you unless you were just wishing there would be a comfort to greet you there?
  15. You make it sound like science is this gigantic walking building that goes around stomping on shit and making proclamations and occasionally wrestling with Allah. Science is just a bunch of controlled methods. It's people figuring stuff out and other people double-checking to make sure it's right and then others perhaps doing something interesting with that knowledge. It doesn't have morality. I don't know why you feel threatened, and I don't understand why a different paradigm would be needed to understand the way our world behaves. What answers are you looking for, anyways? Do you really val
  16. Neil Young - Tell Me Why Bridge School Benefit and all. A bit tenuous, I know.
  17. I've finally read this entire thread. It was a good read. Hope it keeps on going.
  18. AM is corny, hokey, and not good. Edit: And the songs are bad.
  19. Jeff looked good in those glasses.
  20. It has Sunken Treasure and Why Would You Wanna Live. I don't see why people like the new acoustic version of Sunken Treasure more. It seems very uninteresting musically. I like it. Very good for driving somewhere. It's moving music.
  21. Religion has a huge impact on everyone's lives, follower or not. Maybe my neighbors aren't holding me down and shouting scripture into my face, but my government and my society adhere to a school of thought that isn't based on rational thought or evidence. I think that is a bad thing. I think it weighs negatively on our whole. Can you see why a person who doesn't believe in a God would care?
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