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Everything posted by ELS

  1. I was the lucky fan who requested "Cars Can't Escape" tonight. The whole event was great (my first Letters to Santa) and Jeff's set was even greater. Some of the people who "bought" songs could have made better choices, but it was still a Tuesday evening well-spent.
  2. Check this Paste article out: http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2009/10/nels-cline-talks-on-wilcos-next-record.html
  3. How about the startling omission of "Country Feedback" on this list? (grunt)
  4. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm offering my newest collection of songs, His Majesty, The Baby, as a free download. Please let me know what you think of it on here or on MySpace at www.myspace.com/brynrichmusic Thanks, br (aka ELS) http://www.mediafire.com/?jzyonjuojjz
  5. Just letting you guys know that I'll be starting the blog back up soon with new songs, outtakes, b-sides, etc.
  6. I've seen Wilco four times and Jeff Tweedy two times. These shows have all been great, with setlists spanning the bands entire amazing catalog. But there's one thing that's been missing from these shows... You see, if there's one song I've always wanted to hear live, it's "Cars Can't Escape." It appeared on the setlist of one of the Wilco shows I attended, but wasn't played. When I saw Jeff in Champaign this January, he mentioned it several times onstage and didn't play it. That's why I'm trying to organize a mass requesting on the band's site. I've plugged it in several times, but if
  7. ELS

    Midwest in July?

    My summer's almost empty! The only show I've got lined up is the Decemberists on May 31
  8. ELS

    Midwest in July?

    Hm... Now that they've announced the July dates it doesn't look like that's the case. Unless they squeeze something in right around 10KLF...
  9. I know they've said they'll be announcing East Coast dates for July, but do you think they might swing through the Midwest to hit a few places they missed? I know they're playing a festival in Minnesota later that month, which is why I think this is a possibility. City-wise, I'm not really sure what they would do. I doubt Indianapolis will get a show, since the band is playing Bloomington this spring... St. Louis and Chicago are both due for shows...
  10. ELS

    Dates in June

    I guess there's always July, then
  11. ELS

    Dates in June

    Damn... I wonder what the odds are of a St. Louis show or something between Cincinnatti and Oklahoma City
  12. Or the green jacket he wears all the time...
  13. Really? I'm about halfway done here...
  14. Whoa, One Wing, didn't think I'd find any other TMBG fans on here...
  15. I always thought it was Top: Jeff, Glenn, Mikael Bottom: Pat, Nels, John
  16. I imagine June/July will be the case, since they have those festival dates booked.
  17. Well, the blog is finished! Every album track has a post, as well as all of the Tweedy-sung Mermaid Avenue songs. I'll be doing b-sides, outtakes, and whatever else is left whenever I get bored, but I'm taking a break right now. So go ahead and give a look at the finished project! www.everylittlesong.wordpress.com
  18. Yeah, the one you guys found on MySpace is the only version I've found/owned...
  19. Just wanted to let everyone know that there are a bunch more posts up there for your reading pleasure... www.everylittlesong.wordpress.com
  20. I sure do love the Roadcase... I wish more bands would make stuff like this available!
  21. That's OK... Mr. T was afraid of flying, too.
  22. ELS

    News, news, news

    I definitely like the music to it and agree that they'll probably change the lyrics. I can't imagine a song with a line like "Wilco will love you, baby" being on the same disc as "One Wing" or "Sunny Feeling."
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