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Ghost of Electricity

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Everything posted by Ghost of Electricity

  1. yes they do. i also have a boss trem pedal, which is my go to. occasionally i'll set one to faster and one to slower to avoid or reduce the necessity of tweaking mid-gig, and even more occasionally use them at the same time set to different spweeds for a johnny marr how soon is now effect. usually i don't mess with the amp trem, though it's quite usable. trem on the c1?
  2. I think Vetiver did one a few years ago called "Thing of the Past." I really like a lot of what i've heard of this band, but i must say i wasn't so interested in hearing this precisely because it was only covers.
  3. I'm always happy to chat gear! for example: how's the reverb on your ac15c1? I have the ac15cc1 and it's great except for the useless verb. some have an issue with the single channel input, but i set it pretty clean and get the dirt from pedals anyway, so for me it's not an issue. i seem to remember other (newer?)_ ac15 models having dual inputs does yours?
  4. as much as i obsess about wilco and obsess about guitar gear, there is actually very little my gear has in common with theirs. i play an AC15, so there's the vox connection. guitar 1 is a nashville tele (pat uses teles and jeff will occasionally too, but i don't consider it a "wilco" guitar) and guitar two is a gretsch historic 3161 (no connection) i have most of the basic effect bases covered(fuzz>od>od>vibe>phase>delay>trem>tuner) and wilco uses all of these effects but i don't think i have any of the same actual pedals (phase 90 maybe?) that said, i've been eyeballi
  5. I'd get banned for posting the picture i want to here.
  6. holy crap new madrid! i haven't been paying any attention to the setlists recently- was this the "first" time? Does anyone know when the last time (prior to this tour) that any UT material has seen the light of day?
  7. The Gretsch electromatic series has some good affordable hollowbodies. Stock pickups are decent enough but if you upgrade them you could really get a delicious sounding instrument. But whatever you do try to get to a shop/a bunch of shops and just play as many of them as you can. You might be surprised at the guitar you bond with. Shop with your ears first, fingers second and eyes third. Good luck and keep us updated.
  8. Though the rules won't allow me to vote for them, this seems like a good place to give some respect to Paul Kelley and the Messengers.
  9. The parameters of polls limit me to ten. If you vote for one of those bands, do it clearly (and don't vote in the poll) and i'll note it at the top of the first post.
  10. Sonic Youth - 1 The Byrds - 2 The Eagles - 1 The Ramones - 1 CCR - 1 The Flaming Groovies 1 So I'm opposed to this kind of poll in theory, but hey, I contain multitudes (and I'm bored) so what the hell. I've intentionally left it as "bands" thus disqualifying Dylan and Elvis as solo acts, and have also chosen not to include "and the" acts such as Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band or Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers where the band is an appendage to the solo artist, at least nominally. Take issue with this if you like, but i had to draw the line somewhere. By "American" I'm
  11. The news is moving pretty quickly recently. Don't envy the man's task. Any bets on who will be Berlusconi's replacement? Wouldn't want his job either.
  12. Lucas Papademos, actually...at least as soon as he's sworn in. (I read BBC)
  13. Maybe that Family Circus guy- you can't get much worse than dead.
  14. Same lineup? Or have you recruited some local Oregonians to fill in the gaps?
  15. Sounds great Derek. A nice optimistic way to start monday morning? No. But never mind, I like it anyway. This going to be on GloNo? Best of luck!
  16. These, by the way, are some fantastic words: Tires type black Where the blacktop cracks Weeds spark through Dark green enough to be blue When the mysteries we believe in Aren’t dreamed enough to be true Some side with the leaves Some side with the seeds The treetops nod the rain applauds The park grows dark And the swings all slowly die But you and I will be undefeated by agreeing to disagree No one wins but the thieves so why side with anything The streetlights glow Comes and goes When the sun comes back As we all can plainly see Embracing the situation Is our only chance to be fr
  17. It's funny how many Wilco fans hate Wilco.
  18. my suggestion would be send her to church so you can break out the bong and crank the tunes.
  19. It's a close call between Misunderstood, IATTBYH, and ALTWYS, but I'm going with Misunderstood because it laid out the fact that the band was travelling down roads into territory unexplored. the others broke new ground for the band but by then we were expecting that of them. don't have a cluse what's going on with my fonts.
  20. no we're not going to do fucking stonehenge tomorrow
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