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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. A new video from Dave (About DP Number 5.) And here's an interview with Tim Truman (who is from my state): Tim Truman interview.
  2. This is sort of a joke, I think (although it is straight form Billboard.com):
  3. Looks like Lucinda's getting on the Guthrie create a song deal: Something Wicked This Way Comes
  4. You can find that song on the Anodyne re-issue.
  5. Audio interview with David Lemieux (about the new Dave's Picks) by David Gans and Gary Lambert. The tapes came from some roadies family. That's what I figured. I wonder who? They don't say.
  6. You can grab this show by way of the Owl and Bear-->Live Wilco Archive. I think we have around 25 or so shows from 1995 up there.
  7. I don't know if good is the word I would use - but you do learn some things.
  8. They also did an interview with Charlie Rose. I have not watched it yet.
  9. It's the People, Hell, & Angels album. Which is a title he actually came up with. Here's some info on the Black Sabbath album:
  10. I suppose I am being a bit rude. I should have said - not my cup of tea.
  11. I think they are just going for the small market. Or the hipsters or old people who want to buy record albums. I think that Peter Buck album must have been a tax write-off. The tracks I heard were terrible. Sort of like that new David Bowie song, but worse. I think the only two records I am looking forward to are the new Pearl Jam and U2. I doubt the new Pearl Jam will be worth it, the new U2 I will probably like.
  12. That is true. Some Youtube finds: A whole bunch of shows from the mid-1990s on to the 2000s. This is a good find: Non-Fiction from Saturday Night Live 1992 (Back in those days I use to tape a lot of music stuff off of TV. I recall I taped this and use to watch it all the time. It's still one of my favorite BC songs.)
  13. I never saw him as a permanent guy. I figure all those guys are hired hands - except for Chris, Rich, and maybe Steve.
  14. Flying Misfits (1976) The pilot film to the show Baa Baa Black Sheep - Black Sheep Squadron. I was way into this show when I was a kid. It ran on NBC from 1976-1978.
  15. It's interesting how people have different connections to his albums. I would go with Love Is Hell and 29. Although Faithless Street and Stranger's Almanac are still the best I think. I read the book I posted about above recently. His early life sort of parallels Bob Dylan's early life in a way.
  16. Those bootleg people sure don't have the scoop for long these days. I can only wonder how much they paid for the tapes someone has had since 1977. They played 4 shows from the 25th through the 30th at the same place. (I think that is right.) The other two nights are already out there to be had.
  17. Two new soundboards have made their way to Dime a Dozen: Just think - someone paid 250 bucks to get those out there.
  18. I don't think they ever played it live before that night.
  19. I like the early stuff - but I probably like the later stuff better. I would be surprised if the band ever goes back to playing that sort of music ("hard rock"). I think if they do anything new - they will continue in the direction of the last album.
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