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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I was glad to see that - I figured he would be.
  2. Sort of a Rust Never Sleeps rip-off I would think.
  3. Something for the Republicans to look forward to: Palin in 2012? Sarah Palin in 2012? Get Ready For It
  4. Confusing North Carolina Ballot Leaves off Votes for President
  5. Me too - due to Chilly Billy. Another cool thing about this retro channel we have here - they have a show similar to that on Saturday nights now.
  6. There are a lot of TV movies on there - and W.W. and The Dixie Dancekings, as well as, American Hot Wax.
  7. I still have the same one - Roger Waters hitting the gong - from the Live at Pompeii film.
  8. The dude has some good songs - I am a bit biased, lol. He also spoke out against the PMRC.
  9. Did you once say you were here: On April 24, 1971, John Denver sang "The Strangest Dream" at a peace march in Washington DC. The anti-war march was to protest the Vietnam War. The song, written by Ed McCurdy, was one of the anthems of the anti-war era. April 24th 1971 Peace March Against the War in Vietnam
  10. It's good to see most of those are up at Youtube - as he often took them down.
  11. Do you live around a lighthouse? Maybe Ms. Viatroy and I can get up there sometime.
  12. From last year, but still pretty cool: The Office Halloween Trailer
  13. Obama infomercial: Smart politics or risky overkill? I wonder if some baseball fans are going to be a bit upset about this.
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