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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I've had that on my Nook for years. Check out a book called Station Eleven after you read that one.
  2. That's odd. There is a book called Alice In Chains: The Untold Story. I have not read it though. I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian Bach pops up there somewhere. I believe he and Axl are close. And he did: My Michelle Axl looks like a character from one those wasteland movies from the 80s in that throne deal.
  3. Another "celebrity" who died on their birthday. I never really listened to his music.
  4. All you need to do is watch some/read some interviews with him to see what the deal is. Does he really think someone in a Porsche from a "big record company" is going to be interested in what he is doing at this point? I think he is a great singer and makes great music. But - much like David Crosby, I would not want to spend any amount of time around the guy. It is nothing new really though - must rock musicians are pricks. I would think you can trust what Steve says about the demands he made concerning the anniversary tour.
  5. They are great - it's just a different trip.
  6. You have to remember those tracks were overdubbed - so they are not exactly live.
  7. I saw some photos by way of Rolling Stone - so the show did happen last night.
  8. That's about it really. I remember back in the day there was a section on their website called What's Wrong With Steve? where he would answer questions.
  9. He is a prick - but he sure can carry a tune. All that talk about drugs is BS.
  10. I've never heard Wave to the Wind, but I have always liked the lyrics of Eyes of The World.
  11. I saw this on another message board. I use to watch this show and recall this episode. Phil Lesh on Nash Bridges (2001)
  12. I guess that compilation is up to 11 discs now. Someone put up two more torrents.
  13. I think the other ones I had were Infrared Roses, Grayfolded, Dozin' At The Knick, and Nightfall of Diamonds. I was looking at my tapes the other day and found out that I have Bear's Choice, Shakedown Street, Reckoning, Dylan and The Dead, and Built to Last.
  14. I had that Phil Zone cd. I got rid of that and several others years ago. I don't think I would such a thing now. I may have traded those cds for something else. I can't recall.
  15. It's what the band use to be before they became The Heartbreakers - sort of. There is an album from 2008 that is really good.
  16. The new Mudcrutch album is coming out May 2nd:
  17. It could be. I think I have several of those shows.
  18. Yes - that show with Warren where they do Dreams. I am surprised those have not been taken down. I think they don't allow SBD shows to be traded.
  19. For those who may be interested - someone just posted that Cover Me With a Good Dream 5 cd set of The Black Crowes doing cover songs up at bt.etree.org.
  20. I would. I already have them all. But - that is me. Yes, you have to be into it, to be into it.
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