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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. I think this album stinks - the music is very boring and generic.
  2. Most folks may think that it is Neil - but he plays that cool rhythm guitar on Revolution Blues.
  3. The KKK Took My Baby Away was Joey's response to Johnny stealing his girlfriend away.
  4. Just send the money to me - I'm The Bead Pimp.
  5. This is Spinal Tap, Special Edition (MGM, 2000; list $29.98), 5.1 Dolby digital stereo, encoded, letterboxed, DVD, English / Spanish / French This enhanced version of TIST includes fresh commentary by the band and a new digital transfer, plus 100 minutes of features such as more than one hour of deleted scenes taken from 30 hours of original negative, a new interview called "Catching Up with Marty DiBergi," the band's February 1984 appearance on the Joe Franklin Show, the original theatrical trailer, four music videos (Hell Hole, Listen to the Flower People, Big Bottom and Gimme Some Money) an
  6. They did a tour in the early 90s - I actually saw them.
  7. DiBergi read the boys a two-word review during his documentary that simply said, "Shit Sandwich."
  8. Wait till AWATT gets here and you can pray about it.
  9. Again, the admins could do something about this.
  10. My next mission: To complain about certain dudes starting so many fooking threads.
  11. I wonder what that will do to the school year? When I was in college on the early 90s, we were closed for a whole week one winter due to a blizzard - as I recall, everything went on as usuall after we came back.
  12. So I was talking to a dude today who thinks the place we will be seeing Wiclo in October may only hold 500-600 people. Oh - I didn't notice that - just the photo.
  13. No - just trying to be funny. That cat slept in my lap for almost 3 hours last Saturday night.
  14. The web is cursing me with giant photos.
  15. I think they are all being re-done. I am not buying them as I don't really have a desire to fool with SACD - plus they have no bonus tracks. I may pick up Blonde on Blonde at some point - as it at least has the artwork restored to what it was at the time of release.
  16. It's 15 bucks here - which means I am not buying it today. When Ms. Viatroy and I were in Woodstock the other day, cds were 18/19 bucks.
  17. Yes - interesting. I hope to hear the Sabbath cover.
  18. Oh - I thought this was only put out as a online thing - and not a buy it in the store thing.
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