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Everything posted by augurus

  1. Shabazz Palaces - Black Up Marissa Nadler - Marisssa Nadler Eleanor Friedberger - Last Summer
  2. Handsome Furs - Sound Kapital {NSFW image}
  3. YACHT - Shangri-La Surprisingly much more enjoyable compared to the last YACHT work I've heard. UPDATE: Yuck - Yuck It sounds nice. Nothing groundbreaking, but just pretty good music.
  4. WU LYF - Go Tell Fire To The Fountain I feel that this sounds like a bad amalgamation of Explosions In The Sky and Ponytail. Is this a good or bad thing to say?
  5. Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Unknown Mortal Orchestra Still don't know where I stand on this. Ty Segall - Goodbye Bread
  6. Really? How? It's so repetitive: she laid her heart down so hard that she forgot to write music. Top 5 for now: PJ Harvey - Let England Shake Stetson, Colin - New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver James Blake - James Blake Destroyer - Kaputt
  7. Well darn. Can't ever say Pink Floyd's Any Colour You Like or Steve Reich's Clapping Music are great songs. I mean, it can't tell a story. What is the singer trying to say? Bah, it doesn't matter, because not everything is done well. Why, if someone else screws up the production, why bother listening to the melody that sounded great live! You hear that Pavement? You shouldn't have made money!
  8. Probably my oddest juxtaposition for the entire year when it comes to new music. Beyonce's got way too many album covers already with her arms above her shoulders. I would love to see/feel/hear/VERB Stetson play in my area. Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver Or at least I think it's called Bon Iver, Bon Iver instead of the singular self-titled. Stupid vague press release and type facing will screw up end of the year list tabulations for Bon Iver. Here we come again, Ohio and Florida.
  9. Beyonce - 4 Colin Stetson - New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges Finally arrived! So sweet!
  10. And groove does not help make a great song? Cool story.
  11. Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run Rest in peace, Clarence Clemons. Wolf Parade - Apologies To The Queen Mary The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin More depressing and problematic themes on fathers!
  12. Bon Iver - Bon Iver UPDATE: Battles - Gloss Drop
  13. Seasick Steve - You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks Fucked Up - David Comes To Life
  14. The Flaming Lips and Prefuse 73 - [untitled EP]
  15. Black Lips - Arabia Mountain Oneida - Absolute II It sounds pretty abstract, but I'm entranced.
  16. Woods - Sun & Shade Man, I should start paying attention to these guys.
  17. Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See Someone explain to me why this cover is offensive enough to get censored when you see it in big box stores next week.
  18. Death Cab For Cutie - Codes And Keys Givers - In Light
  19. Cults - Cults My Morning Jacket - Circuital
  20. Kate Bush - Director's Cut Thurston Moore - Demolished Thoughts
  21. This is actually next on my playlist of Memorial Day catch-up. What better way to scare away guests than playing music you don't even know!!!
  22. Boris - Heavy Rocks [2011, not to be confused with 2002] Boris - Attention Please Great way to start Memorial Day, right? UPDATE: Art Brut - Brilliant! Tragic!
  23. Good night, you sweet sweet grandfather. I hope New York didn't kill you after all.
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