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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. You're probably good, I mean unless said salad is a trash bag full of government confiscated e-coli spinach...in that case...
  2. I spent all of my intro Bio class killing e-coli in about a thousand different (normal and genetically modified) forms. Basically my conclusion (being a music major) is that bacteria are fast growing, extremely dumb, and that my (female) prof had a serious boner for them. Suggested killing methods: UV rays, antibiotics, heat, lots of salt, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Most of these will ruin your salad as well, so you might just want to skip the salad for a while...
  3. Yeah, well at least your parents have no problems with it. My mom was still very uncomfortable when my dad offered me a glass of wine in our house for Thanksgiving dinner last year. My girlfriend's parents on the other hand...no problems there On the animals string of thoughts...I miss having animals around. Grinnell let's us have pretty much anything (except cats, dogs, and poisonous things), but after I went through a pair of rabbits my freshman year, and a plant I decided that the whole dorm animal thing wasn't working out for me so well.
  4. Test went well, I think. Even if I got a couple things off here or there, I knew the big stuff. It's been kind of a bum day, but that's alright, I'll stay up for a while drinking Goose Island and relaxing.
  5. I think spirituality (in some/any form) is a profoundly wonderful thing, and an essential part of being human. For me organized religion doesn't work, and I've tried almost all the main ones, but I still consider myself a religious person--though not really affiliated with any one religion specifically. Fanaticism in any form can be a dangerous thing, whether it's nationalism, religious fervor, or even extreme love of a sports team. To the best of my knowledge the main values of every major religion in the world preach spiritual devotion, peacefullness, kindness, charity, and moderation.
  6. It's one of these kind of evenings But this album makes it all better.
  7. Calibalized- I say wanker/wank all the time especially when referring to messing around on a guitar, does that make me British? Sincerely. Wanking, but not in that way
  8. Yeah, they came to Grinnell for a concert 2 years ago and I spent about the first half of it playing what's the gender, with that one...
  9. No, however, I'll paypal $5 to anyone who pulls off a reverse cowgirl in the middle of a Hardees at night
  10. I took a look at the liner notes and there is a real trumpet in there, but yeah, I think they (or at least Jay) was definitely going for the Mellotron horns effect.
  11. Woah, no, Willie Nelson...citation for marijauna, couldn't see that one coming I have a feeling he and the boys will be just fine. Edit: there we go, thanks
  12. Apparently itunes 7 doesn't like it when I have Finale Notepad open, because when its open the songs I'm playing get all fuzzy and jumpy.
  13. That's hilarious, I hope they're laughing their asses off.
  14. Seconded. Also, one of the prettiest songs ever. Califone's "Michigan Girls" and Beck's "The Golden Age" also really have an autumn vibe to me. ...and really most things by the Autumn Defense...
  15. Cuban sandwiches are delicious like nobody's business.
  16. Will do...at least if it's interesting...
  17. This one is a bunch of song identification (aka, know the name, composer, place, date, genre, as well as having to describe its characteristics...and one of the pieces we haven't even listened to and just have to describe a piece that it's like), and then there's some terminology stuff. But that's about it. The prof says she changes up the format on each exam but that the listening part remains pretty much the same. I prefer my composition classes a lot more...but it all comes with being a music major
  18. Thanks, yeah, sleeping is always a good plan...but for now
  19. Not much, sitting around listening to Philip Glass having a beer. I'm totally burned out on the whole studying medieval music thing right now, but I'm thinking I'll do decently on the test tomorrow, so that's good.
  20. Yeah, the supremest of supreme losers! (My current screen)
  21. Hmm, the only things I could think of: if you have the install program for it up somewhere accidentaly, or like a registration window, or something like that, some stupid auxiliary program that protools thinks might interfere. Protools tends to like to be the only music program open, period. So maybe if you had something else open it could get pissed off, otherwise I don't know what to tell you...there's no scratchy head smiley dude....
  22. Yikes. What's it doing? I think I'm finally learning these damned chants, but now I also have a comp. piece that's due tomorrow, looks like I'll be in the RTT for a while tonight
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