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Everything posted by zuma

  1. thought i'd bump this just once since i started the thread when the forums were having problems....thanks.
  2. Tim Easton - Porcupine Neko Case - Middle Cyclone Steve Earle - Townes Bob Dylan - Together Through Life
  3. I was thinking about Gillian the other day. Didn't she start her own record label in Nashville?
  4. To me, it really sounds like a fresh Wilco record. Can't wait to hear it live!
  5. i'm really loving this album...first three songs are really wonderful to my ears.
  6. Hi friends, I know, I know...another plug by someone trying to spread the word. But, I gotta do it. Of course, Strangers Almanac is the great album by Whiskeytown, but it's also the name of a singer-songwriter column I co-write with Katie Cook for Glide Magazine. Please please please consider joining our page on Facebook so you can keep up with the columns and other music tidbits we post everyday! Strangers Almanac Facebook Page Strangers Almanac Column on Glide Thanks for your time, and please consider following us on Facebook! Jason
  7. interesting article about the paste situation: http://blurt-online.com/news/view/2266/
  8. http://www.pastemagazine.com/paste/the-cam...save-paste.html
  9. so i guess the font used on the Mader's website might explain the font used on the new cover? http://www.madersrestaurant.com/
  10. well, i LOVED the search, so i am very interested in hearing the new one!
  11. crap, i didn't even look at the date. yeah, october should be cooler!
  12. i've been to 2 ACLs, and while i had fun...boy is it HOT at that park. the beer is cheaper than water, and if you drink most of the day (like i did)...well...it's a workout. the line-up is so-so. i hope everyone who goes has a great time.
  13. can't wait to hear this one...i'm waitin for 4/28!
  14. take your hands out of your pockets and hold me
  15. i'm probably skipping it this year.
  16. can't wait to hear this!!!
  17. Here's a column I wrote on Neko... http://www.glidemagazine.com/articles/5465...-neko-case.html
  18. i know. what a crock of crap this is.
  19. "Lonely Anywhere" - The Everybodyfields if you haven't heard that one and you like amazing female vocalists, check it out.
  20. a little review here: http://stlouis.metromix.com/music/blog_pos.../990878/content
  21. i scored 2 balcony for 2/14. oh yeah!
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