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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I couldn't see cryptique's article, so if this is just regurgitating the same thing then soooorry:
  2. Oh, I totally get what you're saying. It does follow a time-tested hollywood blueprint. However, even the indiest of the films can be formulaic if you scratch under the surface enough...it's just all in how you've taken the existing concept and bring it off on film...hopefully, you've put a mark on itthat makes it a little different OR you've just 're-done' it really well.
  3. That movie look like one of those things really easy to be cynical about, but I actually think it looks kind of good.
  4. I still get Rolling Stone...mostly because my wife just renews the subscription w/out even asking me if I still enjoy it. I got Sports Illustrated for about 2 years longer than I wanted until I finally said something.
  5. That is fantastic. Seriously fantastic.
  6. Missed that. Pee, that Serch track rips it up. Thankee! Excllent point people aren't probably thinking about.
  7. I completely agree. As far as this being a mini-computer...how much experience do you have browsing the web, looking at emails, etc. on such a small screen? Another little thing is that this won't be compatible w/ Cingular's 3G network (which floors me)...so look for slower speeds four surfing and downloads than you're used to on your PC kids.
  8. Ditto and Pee, i'm happier than a clam, just leery that this thing is going to be as badass as everyone is making it out to be. Regardless, thanks for the Serch tune...i'll chickety check it out.
  9. I actually got it from the gizmodo blog site...they're covering both CES and that Mac thing. Needless to say, many people in the office are keeping tabs on both. Hell, Kyle, I'D use it if someone gave me one.
  10. already been there...it was just easier to post a link to that specific demo.
  11. This product is a different ball of wax and I wasn't just referring to the ID...i'm talking about the actual interface to use as a phone. Which, from the youtube vid I just watched, seems a little lengthy and cumbersome... iPhone placing a call. Also, what's used in keynote demos are not always what you'll see hit the shelves...again, I speak from firsthand experience. All i'm saying is, that i'll wait to see one in my hands before saying this is going to revolutionize anything and, again, when you are talking about convergence devices that do several different things...it better do all of
  12. It is most definitely slick looking...but those are renderings, i'll wait and see what it actually looks like coming out of production.
  13. 'Bro was on, he flew that plane like a mother...shiiiittt.'
  14. Translation: These folks who seem to dislike those who are succesful are feeling it neccesary to involve themselves in my activities. I've got a robust skillset, yes. A certain lady wanted to enjoy my company, but I received some information relative to her unsavory nature and my associates inform me she's very driven by things of a material nature. I'd like to get some new apparel, so if you could please provide me w/ some money I could procure some of it. Sincerely, Zach Parks aka The Original Albino Gansta.
  15. Ditto. We finally watched it this past weekend and it was a nice little film and all...but I was hardly blown away by any means.
  16. RHCP - Funky Monks. Whether you love them or hate them, it was a great snapshot of the timeframe before they really blew up w/ Blood Sugar Sex Magic. I really liked that Beulah doc as well.
  17. Big Trouble in Little China - 3 times
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