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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I saw them once at Schuba's a few years ago and I will admit it was a pretty fun show. Granted, I was told that it was their 'rock' set and the other nights were a little more subdued. I actually had went more to catch dios malos who were opening for them, but I was pleasantly surprised. However, it did not translate into my enjoyment of their recorded works...which, try as I might, I have never been able to get into. I even put on an ascot, fake handlebar mustache and smoked a funky sherlock holmes pipe while listening and it didn't take. Timmy, I don't understand how one could have a pro
  2. your dark hair has turned you all goth...you should go check out the message board for whatever band goth kids are listening to nowadays while shopping for huge black jeans and eyeliner.
  3. Big Trouble in Little China 2 > Indiana Jones 4
  4. I always considered Emmanuel Lewis a poor man's Gary Coleman. and Kali Ma will rule the world.
  5. I sure have no problem at age 35 with Temple of Doom many years after it originally came out.
  6. I like Common and all...but it's not like MF Doom or Chuck D dancing around in a pair of cargo pants. Actually, that'd get me into the Gap really quick.
  7. Oh, I was watching it too. i'd stop off at their apartment between classes to catch it. Watched in high school too and me Ma has been taping it since the invention of the VCR.
  8. i finally got the digital cable, so i'll be surfing the gazillions of channels that have nothing on i'll probably want to watch. however, the on demand thing is great...I watched an episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor, The Pixies from the Newport Folk festival, videos from cut chemist and Oasis and an entire episode of NWA World Championship Wrestling from 1984. a lot of free movies too...including 'Private Resort' featruing Johnny Depp and NSFW Leslie Easterbrook.
  9. My favorite is still when Victor Kiriakis had a Zombie looking doppleganger of Bo...my wife and her friends referred to him as ZomBo.
  10. did he feed Marlena any of his Smokey's The Soul is in the Bowl Gumbo he's always pitching over my supermarket's muzak system?
  11. I'm expecting IRememberDBoon to show up in that comments section any minute now.
  12. As the very public leader of the group and one who writes the music, where do you think his focus would go?
  13. Shake down, break-down, take down, everybody wants into the crowded light. Break-down, take down, you're busted.
  14. 1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? Became a father. 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Gave up on making NY resolutions years ago. 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Me wife, so yeah. 4. Did anyone close to you die? Not close, no. 5. What countries did you visit? United States 6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? Sleep. 7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Feb 21, the day my sons were born. 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? See #1
  15. Me too and I didn't win the NJ home Bon Jovi grew up in OR the opportunity to have Anthrax come and tear up my house either.
  16. I enjoyed Whenver We Wanted and Human Wheels was a fantastic record cover to cover. His output since then has become a little 'meh' w/ the occasional single that isn't bad. His over all body of work is enough to earn my respect though...
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