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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Just wait. Yesterday, Owen started to roll across the room w/ a purpose...I came home from work and walked into the living room to have him roll up to my feet and giggle at me. Seriously, it takes him 2-3 minutes to get from the living room to the family room if you let him. The end is near...they're becoming mobile. Dressing/diapering both is a guranteed ticket the goat rodeo...they don't stay still. Lucky indeed, that monkey kicks more ass than Jet Li. Proper.
  2. Judy, that little one is a beauty and I need to get the boys a couple of sock monkeys. Did you make that or get it somehwere?
  3. It took quite a while to get to the info on the hatch last season and this season it seems like we're getting a lot of insight to the Others early on and last week we get a big view of the smog monster thing. Again, it's all perception though...they still have me hooked.
  4. Holy cow. He's two already?! Kick ass boots too. It's crazy how big they quick and how quickly it happens. The boys will be a year old in a little under 4 months and it seems like they just arrived yesterday.
  5. 11.0. Insanely well-played. Post-of-the-day and it's not even over yet.
  6. A majority doesn't really dictate 'each and every member', but okay. To my knowledge, they do answer when this stuff happens...but what level of actual accountability are you asking for when ONE of their members screws up?! When one of their members does something off-platform, it doesn't mean that the entire parties platform has changed because they screwed up...but whatever.
  7. She just needs that white man's fro and she'll be all set. Cutie.
  8. To my knowledge, they aren't saying they are the 'immoral' party either. All i'm saying, be careful what you wish for and say...that same statement could come back on the Dems outside of these moral issues just as easy. Don't get caught up playing the same game they do and stick to the real issues (war in iraq, north korea, budget, international diplomatic relations, etc.). I totally get what you're saying, it's just a dangerous stance because it goes both ways.
  9. Point well taken, but is the Republican party responsible for Haggard's actions as an individual...again, do you hold the Democratic party accountable for Bill's fuck up? I don't.
  10. See, but you are getting back into that area of what some considers issues of 'morality' and what's not. They are still considered more 'moral' on the abortion, gay marriage, etc. items important to a lot of people and mentioned earlier a couple of posts back. Also, by your rationale, you can't count Haggard...that's like saying that the party is accountable for anybody who isn't an official, but still a republican constiutent or backer. Then, somebody needs to answer how they address those 'log cabin' republicans today...how do they account for those cats? At the end of the day, i'll stil
  11. nice...but for those keeping your own baby books on my kids, he has two whole bottom teeth that have come in. both do actually and it causes drooling of tsunami-esque proportions.
  12. Really? I'd say the exact opposite. I thought last season was full of filler.
  13. Yeah, those came out better than the farm we went to the next week (but I love these hats)...
  14. This thread just makes me sad. Up until 'Balance', these guys were still high atop my favorite band list...even w/ Sammy.
  15. No, that's not just you...I agree that what the public/media definition of 'moral issues' have become versus what they should be are two totally different things. My original point was that some of the same people who decried the entire Democratic party getting tagged as immoral or whatever over Clinton's indiscretions, are now villifying the entire Republican party over these two dickheads...and it just strikes me as some more of that good ole double-standard. Not attacking you personally, please don't take it that way.
  16. My brother said they dress cooler than he does. Speaking of which... My brother w/ O. My sis w/ Lo. Me w/ my nephews (sister's kids), the IRISH twins, Nathan and Collin.
  17. Not trying to create a skirmish, but i'm not mis-reading your point if you are still asking if the two scandals strip the party of their claim. The cover up is a different matter. My point still stands, while I won't disagree that this could affect public perception about their morality...it's still actions of individuals and not the party. All the other issues you cited (war, katrina, etc.) are sound reasons not to vote for them, but I don't know if they would be considered 'moral' issues by the popular public/media definition. I'd never pretend that...and it's just as ludicrous as trying t
  18. because the Republican platform itself is based on propositioning young interns, engaging in clandestine gay sex and snorting crystal meth? that's like saying that saying that the deomcratic platform is based on blowjobs and extramaritial affairs when Bill got busted. equally as ludicrous an argument. individual actions and neither party endorsed any of them.
  19. L to R: O, Lo L to R: O, Lo, Penny Obligatory kids in the punkin patch foto: L to R: Lo, O
  20. I actually saw that and somewhat enjoyed it.
  21. Terrence Howard. They just recently announced that.
  22. Both. I'd enjoy some variation, but (as stated) my solution is just to sit out the auditorium shows and go see them when they have new material to play and/or add some different tunes to the setlist. The problem was me seeing them everytime they came back here and/or played nearby...it gets stale for me, not that they are stale themselves per say. No biggie.
  23. Sir Stewart, please shut the fuck up!
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