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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. is it the events leading up to you pissing in the chucktown hardees at 3AM? like the movie starts w/ you pissing and then each scene goes backwards from there to show why? just so you know, that hardee's was shutdown and boarded up. you'll have to build an exact replica or film further north in Mahomet. also, I see Samuel L. Jackson playing the part of you.
  2. he's asking if you want a fresca...from the grave.
  3. i have to drive to work strapped. you never know when someone'll get out of line and you have to whip out the jammy and blast them. WITHIK just wears this badass Mad Max jacket and people don't even fuck w/ him, you should try that.
  4. you think that's bad, you should actually listen to the record. if you don't know, now you know.
  5. i tried to see how the swinging ass matched up w/ the back of that Ween cover, but the results were not as positive as i'd hoped. that said...
  6. all these superman movies and not one of them has Bizarro or Braniac in them. what gives? also, this pharcyde tune is making me throw my hands in the air and contemplate waving them in the air.
  7. i don't think will be on the bus either.
  8. so, it looks like we're going to have to pull in the dates for the US version of Project Red on RAZR, so Oprah can take a bus ride w/ Bono and Geroge Clooney to a local store to act like they are buying a bunch of them to promote the program. my guess is that, regardless of now nightly calls w/ Beijing to try and make it happen, I won't be on that bus... regardless, I want to thank everybody for joining the call again tonight and Fang will send out the notice for tomorrow's meeting. thanks.
  9. sweet. hey, i'm splittin' for the day. if i come in tomorrow and i've been banned, you can email me here: #1ericclaptonfan4life@iremeberdboon.org
  10. what about... ? EDIT: Whoops. NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
  11. whoa. i don't remember that being that big.
  12. right on. better than this for sure: Shut the fuck up, Hammer.
  13. seriously, if someone sends me the link to the swinging ass picture. i'll start a thread w/ a post of just that and accept the two-week suspension.
  14. and, then, bringing it back around: Run DMC Feat. Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth - Down With The King Packed w/ that signature Pete Rock style and hip hop vid cameo goodness.
  15. I couldn't find it either, but this came up... Main Source - Fakin' the Funk and Ed Lover disses both Vanilla and Gerardo. So, yeah, punks jump up to get the beatdown. Jammy. plus... this just owns.
  16. Word. but if it doesn't seem to be getting that special ladyfriend to let you put her in the chinese wheelbarrel or position of similair ilk, two words for you: put on track #7, No Alibis, and just sit back w/ one of your eyebrows raised...the magic show will unfurl before your eyes.
  17. Frankly, it's upsetting to me and completely ruins the whole e-xperience. I know I shouldn't expect much, him managing 4 Denny's and all, but it gets in the way of dog pictures and threads about how bad Bush is.
  18. Man, I actually kind of like that album.
  19. unfortunately, sample laws all totally ambiguous and all over the map. I just read the 33 1/3 book on the Beastie Boys 'Paul's Boutique' album, possibly one of the most sample heavy in the genre...sample clearance/litigation was covered a lot and I still don't get it. there has to be a better way, however. i think most hip hop artists would be okay w/ paying a fair fee for use of said samples, but currently only (mostly lame) marque artists like Eminem and Puffy can afford to do so. getting a piece of the pie on a multi-platinum album by said artists is a lot different than suing an undergro
  20. Original doesn't always equal good. Plus, i'm all for new takes on old sounds if it's done really well...like the first 2-3 Oasis albums. As far as Clapton goes, i'll just say that as lame as the Journeyman album was...I had some mad good sex to that one time my sophmore year in college. It was like Slowhand was right there in the room w/ me in a labcoat, injecting a hypodermic full of thermonuclear spanish fly right into her left buttock. So, while I won't tell bobtothebob to buy any blues albums, i'd reccomend that one and see what happens.
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