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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. dana delaney in her prime was fantastic...caught a glimpse of her on desperate housewives while surfing and she looked a little haggard. but, in the day, wow.
  2. a-man's finger just fell off from hitting the report button so many times.
  3. all valid comments about food manufacturing and/or restaraunts...there is indeed a 'complex mesh of causalities' but you are only focusing on one element of obsesity. what about lack of exercise/physical activity? it's not rocket science, diet is one part of the equation...but a lot of the 'evils' of the food we eat can be deterred from regular exercise. and, physical activity is free. if you aren't doing anything in that realm...then, unless of course you have some legitimate physical handicap that prevents you from doing so, it's laziness. plain and simple. i have taken on a bit of a spa
  4. no doubt, let's keep this all about the tits and the asses and whatnot.
  5. THAT makes sense...but i reall ydo think that some others were taking bb's mentioned intellectual stance on her attractiveness. plus, i'd still do JLH.
  6. that is not the 'big swinging ass' gif in question.
  7. i would set up a five-night residency in her ass...while Charo watched. i looked at that gif for about 45 seconds and it almost compelled me to rob a 7-11 and send the $ to her. if her posterior ran for the presidency w/ beyonce's as the running mate...even on the republican ticket...i'd vote for them.
  8. to be fair, while i would wholeheartedly agree that MORE men would and do say that...i completely disagree that A LOT of women don't say things exactly like that. throw in that there even more women who may not SAY it, but sure as hell THINK it. but, as a sexually democratic individual, i think there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  9. it's no nag champa, but it does alright for me.
  10. i do oft consider myself the Caucasian Obama of Love.
  11. i found myself feeling neither embarrassment or shame when viewing it. then again, i also find the concept of a "Mommy board" where images like that run rampant a little hot...i'm probably not a good judge of things unacceptable.
  12. not to be a fanboy, but check out 'Love and Distance' as well...it'll actually make you appreciate the new one even more, i think.
  13. i, personally, as i've stated before, have no issue with it. for example, as much as i love it, the 'big swinging ass' pic that created a stir a while back is/was a little more intentionally provocative than some of the images contained in this thread. my post was just me being a smartass, as i'm prone to do. no foul intended, bean. back on point however, i really am interested to hear how the book thrown out there has any bearing on whether i find jessica simpson attractive or not? as bobob stated, will reading said book make me less attracted to certain women or is the point that it will
  14. Might I recommend The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf as a first step on your road towards a greater understanding?
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