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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i'd just like to add that i finally watched the link in peterwhatshappening's signature and that may be the defest thing i've ever seen.
  2. the gravitational pull of said boobs look to be enough to bring down several planes. don't rule that theory out.
  3. connecting w/ an REM song/album to me has always been equally about stipe's vocals and buck's guitar. really like the guitar on this, more so than i have in a LONG time...the vocals are decent enough too. i like it and i'm thinking i might actually dig this album.
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v129/soybomb/christina.jpg Note from kidsmoke: while I personally am not terribly offended by this photo (it's just nature, and she's fully covered) I am erring on the side of prudence since a photo like this would be considered extremely NSFW for someone whose job is, perhaps, as a schoolteacher. It is a simple enough thing for anyone wishing to view this to click the link, with the forewarning that it is a NSFW image.
  5. McCain: 707 delegates, Huckabee: 195. It takes 1,191 to win the nomination.
  6. c'mon. how is that photo NSFW?! it looks like it's from some sort of public best buy event for god's sake! stupid? maybe. NSFW? hardly. link?
  7. actually, it pretty much means mccain is the republican nominee. the delta of delegates between the two is pretty huge.
  8. I will be the second. This is stupid. I like the speech, I like the guy...but I don't know 75% of the people in that video. That said, if Kareem is down, so am I.
  9. Belt-man, You heard anything about or have any thoughts on 'Dai-Nipponjin' (AKA 'Big Man Japan')? It's making the festival rounds and the few reviews i've read make it sound like it would be in my wheelhouse:
  10. since the flash-forwards are focused on several of the lostaways return back to society and the tough time they are having it...i think it is representative of the fact that even though they aren' 'lost' on the island, they are equally (if not more) 'lost' once they get off the island. or it could have more concrete relevance to the plotline, but i don't overanalyze.
  11. logan came home earlier tonight...he is doing much better, but is absolutely WRECKED due to the whole lack of sleep thing. when we brought him in, he walked up to owen and it looked like he was going to hug him...i knew he was getting back ot normal when he pulled his hair and elbow checked him instead. we'll have a few more doctor visits, nebulizer treatments, steroids, antibiotics and the whatnot to deal with...but i'm really thankful for our peditrician and the wonderful doctors and (especially) nurses at the hospital. thanks to all of you guys as well for all the kind words and thoughts.
  12. Seconded. Ghost Bar on top of the Palms is kind of cool, but not entirely worth the long wait you may come up on to get in...a decent alternative is voodoo lounge on top of Rio, equally cool view of the entire strip while you drink. I'll also say a few cocktails in the center bar at the Hard Rock is fun...I don't like the strip club that's across the street however (Crazy Horse Too or Speramint Rhino are good). i didn't realize Trader Vic's had opened yet last time i went, i'll be checking that out next time i go (the photos on the website make it look fantastic). Go eat a steak at Binion's
  13. they are keeping logan another night. he is doing better but his oxygen levels are still a little under the mark. the worst part of things seems to be that he (and yvette) are getting little to no sleep in there. owen is rebounding extremely well, back to a his old pistolero self. thanks again for the vibes.
  14. thanks, guys. i just spoke w/ a nurse and while he sounds better (no wheezing) his oxygen levels are still low...they tried to ween him off the O2 last night, but he dipped back down again and they put him back on it at a reduced amount. he was getting another nebulizer treatment when i called. owen is still sleeping upstairs, probably cranky from me giving him an inahler treatment at 4 in the morning.
  15. The twins, who got progressivley sicker over the weekend starting Saturday morning, were admitted to the ER after a visit to our doctor. Long story short, they released Owen w/ bronchitis and pink eye, but Logan was admitted to the actual pediatric unit w/ pneumonia. He
  16. i'll probably just get a sandwich and watch big trouble in little china again, but thanks for the info.
  17. kind of figured that all on my own...however, big FX flicks like the other are oft better viewed in larger scale. a movie like no country can be just as easily enjoyed on the samll screen and i've grown accustomed to waiting.
  18. it definitely changes the game up a bit. i don't know, i have to watch the kids saturday night...may be eligible for a movie afternoon on sunday...but i also want to see no country for old men pretty bad.
  19. sounds like i'll be waiting for the DVD. shame, like mart...i was pretty geeked to see this since last summer.
  20. this thread is something. 'Change does not come through voting, it never really has.'
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